Title: Little Surprises
dorksidefiker Fandom: X-Men
Prompt: 10-A/10. Surprise
Character/Pairing: Jay Guthrie x Sooraya Qadir
Rating: PG
Word Count: 135
Summary: He likes doing things for her when she doesn’t expect it.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series. I own nothing.
Jay likes to surprise Sooraya with little gifts. Breakfast in bed, sending the children to stay with their grandmother for the afternoon, cleaning the house when she’s doing the shopping, that kind of thing. Thoughtful little things that make her smile.
It’s not perfect. The children squabble, and Raia keeps doing things just to provoke Jay and Sooraya, and Jay is a tiny disaster in the kitchen. Hee never remembers to put things back where they were, so Sooraya spends ages looking for things.
But he gives her these beautiful smiles, and he’s so pleased with himself that she can’t help but be pleased with him, too.