Title: An Afternoon at the Mall
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Xavin
Prompt: 59. Mall
Rating: PG
Summary: Xavin’s been dragged along on a trip to buy Molly’s first bra.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
The only reason Xavin was there was because she was Molly’s big sis (as Molly put it), and apparently, on Earth, this was something ‘Big Sis’ got to be involved in.
Thankfully, Karolina and Nico were there, so someone knew what they were doing.
Still, Xavin didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. It was just an undergarment, after all.
Karolina had tried to explain the importance of a girl’s first bra, but ultimately Xavin wrote it off as one of those strange human customs that she would just as soon have avoided.
At the moment, both Xavin’s beloved and Molly were badgering Nico about a blue bra. The look on the human’s face was very amusing.