Title: Obsession
Universe: X-Men, Young Avengers
Rating: PG
Summary: Maybe he's a little obsessed. Sequel to
Central Park in the Summer Time Victor Borkowski leaned forward, watching the news avidly. He was not, normally, a big fan of the news (it depressed him immensely), but today he was making an exception. He was even taping this particular broadcast while he watched.
Santo rolled into the room and glanced from Anole to the screen. "Aw man... c'mon, WWE's gonna be on in a minute."
"Shh." Victor held up a finger, then pointed to the screen. "I was here first. I get to pick the channel."
"Don't you think you might be taking this a bit far, Vic?" Santo rolled his eyes, knowing perfectly well that Anole wasn't actually listening anymore.
Wiccan was repairing the UN Building, and Victor was lost to the world.
It had started with the article in the Daily Bugle. Or, more specifically, the picture that went with the article in the Daily Bugle. Anole had announced, upon seeing the picture, "Hey, I've met that guy!" while tapping the face of the boy with the winged headgear.
He had promptly snagged a copy of the paper and cut out the article, saving it in his scrap book. He kept it by him, pulling it out every chance he got while he surfed the web for any information he could find. He had the first article memorized by the time the story about the hostage crisis at St. Patrick’s Cathedral reached him, giving him a name to put with the face and body that lurked in his dreams.
Victor would have been the first to admit that maybe he was a little obsessed. And at another time, his counselor might have been a little worried about the way Victor was spending so much of his free time searching for information about Asguardian. But Xian Coy Mahn had other things on her mind, and everyone else who knew understood the need Victor had to get his mind off the present situation.
So Anole obessed over Asguardian.
He was torn over the interview the raven-haired super-hero did with the rest of his team, after changing his name to Wiccan.
On one hand, he was gay and out.
On the other hand, he had a boyfriend who could squash Victor like a bug.
Anole suspected the blonde guy that'd been with Wiccan in the park was Hulkling. After all, nobody but a shape shifter could look that perfect.
Victor had just spent the last fifteen minutes watching Wiccan and his team put down some losers called the Zodiac. He noted a green and silver blur that accompanied them, and classified it as a possible new teammate, most likely a speedster. He'd have to check the net later to see what the witnesses had to say.
"So... what's the appeal? What am I missing that's the reason why I can't watch wrestling?" Santo asked.
Victor arched a brow ridge, finally pulling his eyes away from the screen.
"Seriously. I wanna know."
Victor leaned back into the couch, eyes on the screen again. "He's beautiful."
"It's not just a physical thing," the young mutant went on. "he's nice. I met him once-"
"As you tell anyone who'll listen."
"-and he was just..." Victor made a vague gesture with his hands.
"Shirtless?" Santo suggested.
Victor blushed. "It's not like I fall for any guy I see shirtless," he mumbled.
"Nope. Just the mysterious, dark haired ones you meet in Central Park."
"If you're just going to make fun-" Victor said huffily.
"It's cute."
Victor turned his head slowly to look at Santo, who grinned back at him.
"Just about every girl on campus thinks it's adorable. If you ever go straight, you'll be swimming in chicks."
"And on that day, Satan shall go to work in a snow mobile," Victor said with a snort.