Fic Title: A History of Violence
Day/Theme: 07-11-07/11: The violence of our ancestors
Series: Original
Character/Pairing: Rowena Mox-Xanathos, Eliza Maharissa
Genre/Warnings (if applicable): Supernatural.
Rating: PG-13
Rowena leaned on her staff, tilting her head to one side as she regarded the carnage in the bar. She wrinkled her nose and stepped carefully over something soft and squishy that was in too many pieces to identify. “Mother. Mother. I know you’re here.”
Something large and hairy and dark moved in a corner, raising a gore caked muzzle and sniffing the air. It growled softly, bright yellow eyes turning to the magus. Rowena snorted, her thin lips curling up in a sneer. “You’re a mess.”
The lycanthropic creature rose up on two strong legs, looking down at Rowena. It’s jaws dropped open, a long pink tongue lolling out. It growled something that almost sounded like a name.
Rowena continued to sneer. “And if you think I’m going to be cleaning this up for you, you overgrown walking rug, you’ve got another thing coming.”