Fic Title: Strega
Day/Theme: 07-09-07/ 9: Letting the golden hours slip by
Series: Original
Character/Pairing: Bobby St. George, Lydia St. George.
Genre/Warnings (if applicable): Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
“I don’t like her,” Lydia said in a hiss, clutching her husband’s arm tightly. “She creeps me out. “She’s… she’s…”
“I don’t like it either,” Bobby murmured back, looking at the house as if it contained a great evil that would come charging out at any moment. “But she is the strega, and until we find someone else…”
Lydia shuddered. “Do we have to do this?”
Bobby stroked her hair. “If the child has Lycan’s Folly…”
Lydia nodded, scowling. “Right. Fine. Lets just get this over with.” She strode up the weathered steps of the farm house, her husband trailing behind. She barely knocked on the door when it swept open, and a little boy with large, dark eyes and a cap of midnight colored curls stood there looking up at her. She looked down at him, then at Bobby.
“Hey, kiddo. Is your mother home?” Bobby asked with the insincere sweetness he generally reserved for small children.
The door slammed shut almost in his face.