Title: My Boy
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Sarah Altman, Teddy Altman
Prompt: 96. Memories
Rating: G
Summary: She’s worried about her son.
Sarah Altman (she wasn’t sure how long ago she’d really started to think of herself by the human name - five years? Ten?) waited until Teddy had left to meet with his friends before taking the pictures off the mantle and sliding the mantle piece off. The little sensor was blinking like mad, as silent as the grave as it did so.
Kl’rt the Super Skrull was once again on Earth.
Hopefully, he remained unaware of the boy.
Still silent, she replaced the mantle piece and the pictures, lingering over the one of Teddy sitting on a Central Park Rent-A-Nag, his tongue stained purple by a popcicle. Her eyes traced over more pictures of Teddy as a memory rose in her mind unbidden.
”I want my son to be safe and happy. He shouldn’t have to be trapped in this cage.”
“I have done my best, my lady,” she whispered to the old ghost in her head.