Fic Title: The Beginning of Things
Day/Theme: 06-03-07/3: It is a tremendous act of violence to begin anything.
Series: Original
Character/Pairing: Corpus Mox, Rowena Mox-Xanathos
Genre/Warnings (if applicable): Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
From the Journals of Rowena Mox-Xanathos, Archmagus:
As with so many things, the story of my fath my sire beings in blood. I have, as yet, been unable to pin down the exact date of the old man’s birth, and to be honest, it is irrelevant. But I have always been something of a completist, and so I continue the hunt. He was given the name ‘Corpus Mox’, which translates roughly as ‘Soon Dead’. There are few people who appreciate the irony of this. I am given to believe that he was named so because the midwife did not believe he would survive long.
But survive he did, and thrive. He grew to be a giant of a man, even by modern standards, and beneath his great exterior lies a quick and cunning mind.
The first records of the man that I could find were those marking his apprenticeship to his maternal grandfather, and his entry into the Guild of Truthseeking and Enlightenment.
It is on his first posting as a Lictor that I feel his story truly begins.
To this day, no one can (not even the old bastard himself) seems to know exactly what happened. Upon the end of his posting, it seems the daughter of the local lord took a fancy to the man who would sire me. When he left, she followed, and died out in the woods.
It should have ended there, with the girl’s stupidity insuring that she would never breed, thus sparing us from having more fools to deal with.
Much to my continued sorrow, it did not.
The girl’s mother, a witch who’s name is lost in the mists of time, was a magus in her own right. Using her daughter’s death and her own rage as fuel, she placed a powerful Sins of the Father curse on my sire and his line.
She curse him and his offspring with immortality, planting her rage at my sire in his children… in me. We are compelled to hunt him down and kill him over and over again, as an eternal punishment.
I hope, someday, to find a way to break the curse. To be denied death is perhaps one of the most horrible things that can be done to a person, and to be denied free will…
I do not even know the old man, and yet I hate him with the passion of a thousands suns. I will be forced to watch my children grow old and die if I cannot break this curse. I will never see my Byron again, though I know he waits for me on the other side. I see him, just for a moment, ever time I die… just before I am forced back into life by the curse.