Title: What If... Billy Kaplan Never Joined the Young Avengers? part 4: Play Time
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Rockslide, Anole, Wiccan
Prompt: 74. Playful
Word Count: 159
Rating: PG
Summary: Santo pwns all at DDR.
Author's Notes: Obviously, an AU.
“C’mon, one more round!” Santo said, gesturing to the DDR mats. Billy shook his head and collapsed on the couch with a groan.
“Mercy! Uncle! I yield!” the boy cried, holding his hands up in surrender. Victor snorted and pressed a bottle of water into his hand.
“I told you not to challenge Santo.”
“Yeah, yeah. Next time, I’ll listen,” Billy promised. “I’ve learned my lesson.”
“Not that you weren’t really good,” Victor added.
Billy smiled just a little. “Thanks.”
“I mean it. You’re way better than I am,” the reptilian mutant said.
Santo rolled his eyes and started to put the mats away. “He still lost.”
Billy rolled his eyes. “Next time,” he told Santo’s retreating back. “Next time I’ll kick his ass.”
“I’m sure you will,” Victor said reassuringly, which earned him another of those smiles that made his insides knot up.
“You’re sweet,” Billy said, leaning over and planting a very quick kiss on Victor’s lips.