Title: Untitled Young Avengers AU part 3: Life and Times
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy Kaplan, Teddy Altman, Eli Bradly, Tommy Shepard, Cassie Lang, Kate Bishop, The Vision, Clint Barton, Sarah Altman
Prompt: 12. Red
Word Count: 717
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: So, what if the Scarlet Witch's twins were never absorbed by Mephisto, anyway?
Billy looked up at the gym ceiling, blinking philosophically. “So, let me get this straight,” he said slowly. “You’ve got no powers.”
“That’s right,” Eli said. “Want a hand up?”
“Gimme a minute here. I’m processing. You have no powers. At all. And you just dumped me on my ass.”
“Spectacularly,” Tommy added helpfully.
“Go away, Zippy.”
“I’ve been taking self defense classes for years, if that’s any comfort,” Eli said. “You okay?”
“I’m good. I think I’m gonna lie here for a little while. Admire the ceiling.” Gather what’s left of my dignity and hope Teddy didn’t see. God, I must look like a rank amateur.
“Comfy, Sparky? Want me to get you a pillow?”
“Go away, Tommy.”
“Okay, kids, play date’s over,” Hawkeye announced. Billy sat up as the archer spoke. “Time to go home.”
Teddy reverted to his default shape with a ‘do I gotta?’ groan, and Eli wiped the sweat from his head with a towel.
[I expect to see you back here tomorrow at 4:30 pm for training,] the Vision said.
“I’ve got basketball,” Teddy announced. “But I was going to quit the team anyway,” he added quickly. “Might as well get it done tomorrow...”
“You play sports?” Billy asked.
Teddy shrugged and grabbed his backpack, trying not to think of all the shit he was going to get from the guys on the team for quitting. And Greg…
“Lucky. I tried out for soccer this year, but I didn’t make the team.” Billy finally climbed to his feet. “Once they know you’re a mutant, you can kiss all school clubs and sports goodbye.”
Teddy blinked. “Well, that sucks.” He opened the training room door and almost tripped over the girl leaning against it. “Ack!”
“Hey, Magnet Lips!” Tommy called, causing the girl to blush and scowl.
[Thomas.] the Vision said sharply.
“You okay?” Teddy asked, steadying the girl.
“I’m fine,” she said, pulling away.
“Cassie! Your mom’s here!”
“Coming!” Cassie called back, darting away.
“Was that Cassie Lang?” Teddy asked, entering into Fanboy Mode.
“Yeah, she stays here every other weekend,” Tommy said. “I got ten bucks says she wants to be on the team. She wants to be a super hero worse than Sparky.”
“Well, it’s true.”
Billy snorted. “We’ll see you tomorrow, Hulkling.”
Teddy’s lips twitched. “Later, Red Mage.”
Billy Maximoff, son of one of the world’s most famous mutants, sighed as he inspected the graffiti on his locker. “Yes,” he muttered to himself, “I am well aware that I am a mutant. What’s your point?”
“Morning, Billy.”
Billy sighed again. “Morning, Kate. How goes?”
“Sister’s driving me nuts with wedding plans,” Kate Bishop said. “You?”
“Same old, same old,” Billy replied, running a hand over the spray painted slur and making it disappear while Kate gave it a close inspection.
She snorted. “For the money our parents shell out to send us here, you’d think the janitors would clean things up faster. Hell, for that matter, you’d think the students could come up with something more creative.”
“Exactly what I was thinking.”
“Where’s your evil twin?”
“Running late, like always.”
“Isn’t he a speedster?”
“Funny, isn’t it,” Billy said. “I’d better go clean off his locker before he gets here and sees it.”
“Your grandmother tells me that you’ve joined some kind of youth group, Elijah?”
“Yeah. That’s why I wanted to talk to you about my work schedule.”
“Quit, Altman? You can’t quit.”
And yet, that is exactly what I’m doing, Teddy thought, but didn’t say. “I’ve got a job now, Coach.”
“So do half my boys. Just tell ‘em you need your afternoons. I’ll write you a note.”
“Coach, I’m sorry, but this is something I’ve got to do,” Teddy said firmly.
“A man doesn’t go back on his commitments, Altman.”
Teddy shook his head. “This is bigger than basketball, sir. Sorry.” He opened the door to the coach’s office and almost ran right into Greg. The two boys stopped dead, eyeing each other with the wariness of two cats meeting for the first time.
Teddy slipped past Greg and into the hall, ignoring the feeling of eyes burning into his back. He didn’t want to be late for training.
“Coach, there’s something I gotta talk to you about…”