Title: Wolf at the Door part 7: Blood and Water part 2
Fandom: Gargoyles
Characters: Matt Bluestone, Hudson, Lexington, Brooklyn, Elisa Maza, a smattering of OCs
Prompt: 3. Angry
Word Count: 707
Rating: PG
Summary: Matt and his mother have a mutually antagonistic relationship, and Matt plans on putting the fear of God back into Gabe Dracon.
“Look, Mom, now is really not a good time…”
“Is there someone in your immediate area who is about to die or be seriously maimed?”
“Well, no--”
“Then now is a good time. Your sister’s run off, and I need you to find her. I believe she’s in that ghastly city of yours.”
“Wait, what?”
“Rosalie. Your sister. She’s run away.”
“Have you called the police?”
“This is a family matter, Matthew.”
“She’s a minor--”
“Actually, you missed her last birthday.”
“… Mom, if she’s an eighteen, then legally she can do what she wants.”
“Find her, Matthew. I’ll me you at your apartment at four.”
Matt hung up the cell phone and resisted the urge to fling it against the nearest wall. “Just one thing after another.”
“Where,” Hudson asked, stooping to scoop up the paper that had fallen from Matt’s pocket, “did ye get this?”
“That? It’s something Martin asked me to ask Gabe about.”
“Gabe?” Elisa asked pointedly.
“This is bad.” Hudson rumbled, stroking his beard. “I’d hoped they’d all died out.”
“They who?” Matt asked.
“They’re called the Black Spiral Dancers… monstrous werewolves, mad things that glory in death and corruption.”
The two detectives met this pronouncement with silence.
“Okay, back up a minute,” Elisa said, holding up a hand. “Werewolves?”
“Evil werewolves,” Hudson corrected.
“Is there another kind?” Matt felt compelled to ask.
“Aye, though I’ve nae seen them since I was young,” the old gargoyle said sadly. “It seems you have some very interesting friends, lad.”
Matt unlocked his door at 3:56 pm, and watched his mother sashay in at exactly 4. She looked around, wrinkling her nose at the small apartment. Matt had tried to clean up, but there was no way to make the place meet his mother’s standards. “Hi, Mom.”
Grace Bluestone sniffed disdainfully. “Matthew, you live in a closet. And look at you! You face is a giant bruise!”
“It’s not that bad,” Matt said, automatically going into defensive mode. His mother gave him another disdainful sniff.
“Did you find her yet?”
Matt shook his head. “Mom, I don’t even know where to being to look. There are a million places in this city where a person can just disappear, and you haven’t done anything like file a missing persons report yet.” He ran a hand over his sore face. “She’s an adult. I can ask some people to keep an eye out for her, but other than that…” He shrugged.
He could practically hear the ‘so what good are you?’ that his mother didn’t speak. “I see.”
“I’m sure she’ll turn up in a couple of days.”
“Cute kid,” Lexington said, passing the picture over to Brooklyn.
Matt shrugged. “Just keep an eye out for her? You don’t have to bring her back or anything.., God knows, I can understand wanting to get away from Mom…”
“If we spot her, we’ll let you know,” Brooklyn said.
“Thanks. I’m off to find Hudson and put the fear of God back into the Dracons.”