Title: Wolf at the Door part 6: Blood and Water part 1
Fandom: Gargoyles
Characters: Matt Bluestone, Talon, Claw, Elisa Maza, Hudson, and a couple of OCs
Prompt: 76. Predatory
Word Count: 665
Rating: PG
Summary: Matt runs into a little trouble and gets a phone call.
Matt watched Gabe toy with his drink, one hand in his pocket where the paper rested. The short, dark haired man let out a soft laugh and shook his head. “Sorry, my head’s totally in the clouds today. What were you saying?”
“I was wondering if you could take a look at something,” the red head said, pulling the paper out of his pocket and sliding it across the table.
Gabe arched an eyebrow and flicked the paper open with a finger. He didn’t so much as blink. “Can’t say as I do,” he said with a small shrug. “Why?”
“Nothing important,” Matt said. “Just something someone mentioned.”
Matt was shrugging on his coat and heading out the door when something large and furry with very sharp claws almost slammed into his head. He was save from what would have been a quick decapitation by Gabe grabbing his collar and jerking him down. Matt only got a quick look at thick, black furred legs and a whiff of something rotten and chemical before he was hauled back inside the bar, the door slamming shut.
“What the hell?” Matt finally yelped. Helen grabbed both men and dragged them away from the door after slamming the bolts and locks into place.
“Get him out of here!” she growled at Gave, giving them both a shove. “Charlie! Out the back!”
The bartender waved a hand in acknowledgement and threw open the door behind the bar, and Gabe grabbed Matt’s arm and deftly manhandled him towards the exit. He was surprisingly strong for a such a small man But Matt was stubborn, and still had at least half a foot on the Dracon scion. “What the hell was that?”
“Big, nasty, painful, slow death, if you don’t haul ass,” Gabe said, pulling Matt off balance and dragging him along. “And if I were you. I’d be praying that it doesn’t have friends waiting for us.” He shoved Matt through the door, which lead to a set of stairs going down.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Matt snapped. “We can’t just leave!”
“Trust me, they’re better equipped to deal with it than you are.”
“But what is it?” Matt asked again as Gabe herded him down the stairs.
“Ask me no questions, Matthew, and I tell you no lies,” Gabe said wearily. That was the last thing Matt heard before Gabe knocked him out.
“Where did you find him?” Talon asked as he inspected the damage done to Matt Bluestone’s face. The red head was going to have one hell of a shiner, and that nose was definitely broken.
Claw made a gesture towards the northwest tunnels, where the Labyrinth’s territory bordered that of a bunch… a pack, really… of homeless teenagers. They were civil enough to the residents of the Labyrinth, but they made it clear they had no desire to join the Mutates protectorate.
“What the hell was he doing there?”
Claw gave the panther like mutate an expressive shrug while Talon checked Matt’s pockets. “Wallet’s still there, and he’s still got his cash.”
A mystery, Claw’s facial expression said.
“I’ll call Elisa and let her know he’s here.”
“That rat bastard sucker punched me!” Matt growled, prodding his swollen eye with a finger.
“So I see,” Elisa said. “Any idea why?” she asked instead of asking why he was hanging out with a Dracon in the first place.
“Some kind of thing tried to take my head off at the bar. Looked like it could have been a new mutate or something. Smelled like a toxic waste dump.”
“Yer coat’s ringin’, lad,” Hudson said, handing the soiled garment over to the detective. Matt fished his cell phone out of his pocket, trying not to think of the dry cleaning bill, and flipped it open. “Hello… Mom?”
Hudson didn’t notice Matt’s yelp. He was too busy staring in horror at the symbol on the paper that had fallen out of Matt’s pocket.