Title: Homework
Rating: G, edging towards PG in my brain
Universe: X-Men: Evolution
Summery: Sam’s doing his homework. Bobby is watching Sam do his homework.
Bobby and Sam were sitting at the kitchen table, doing their homework.
This, actually, was not entirely true. Sam was doing his homework, and Bobby was watching Sam while Sam did his homework. Bobby considered watching Sam much more interesting than Geography.
The blond Kentuckian had his forehead resting against the palm of his left hand, fingers playing with his hair as he worked on his essay. Every few minutes, he would run his pencil through his hair, pushing it back out of his eyes. The he’d write a few more sentences before doing it again. Every now and then he’d stop, clutching his pencil in his teeth, and read over what he had written. Sometimes he’d cross something out. Sam didn’t erase things, just marked what needed to be changed and rewrote it later.
Sometimes it took Sam hours to finish his English homework. Bobby didn’t mind. He had discovered some time ago that he really, really liked watching Sam do his homework.
“The answer’s ‘the Appalachian Mountains.’” Sam murmured, tapping the worksheet in front of Bobby with his finger. “And if y’all don’t start doin’ yer homework, the professor’s gonna make you do it somewhere else.” He raised his head and smiled softly, his eyes half lidded as he looked at Bobby.
Bobby looked down at his untouched homework, then back up at Sam. “Thanks.”
“My pleasure.”