Title: In Anticipation of the Runaways/Young Avengers Crossover pt 1: Xavin and Teddy
Rating: PG
Universe: Marvel Comics, Young Avengers, Runaways
Summery: A series of conversations between the characters of Young Avengers and Runaways.
“Mine is called Karolina.”
Teddy Altman’s head swiveled around to look at the soft voiced brunette who had just addressed him. Only he knew he wasn’t actually looking at a pretty human girl, but a male Super-Skrull.
Xavin smiled shyly and gestured to the leggy blond girl talking with Billy and the Asian girl who’s name Teddy hadn’t caught. “My love. Her name is Karolina.” She gave him a very knowing smile. “You have a look on your face every time you look at the boy,” she explained.
“Oh. Yeah.” Teddy ducked his head and ran a hand through his hair with a small smile of his own. “Billy’s my boyfriend.” His smile turned into a grin. He knew it looked silly, but it was just so wonderful to say.
“You are very lucky.” Xavin said, looking at Karolina and smiling. Teddy suspected that if he checked a mirror, he would find that he was sporting the exact same look.
“Yeah. He’s-“ Teddy groped for the words, trying to articulate how Billy made him feel.
“He is your universe.” Xavin said, nodding.
The two shapeshifters fell into a comfortable silence while Teddy worked up the courage to ask the question that had been gnawing on his brain since Xavin had assumed the female seeming.
“Uh, Xavin?”
“Yes, Dorrek?”
“Teddy,” he corrected.
“Teddy, then.”
“Um… can I ask you a question?”
“Did you not already?” she said, her tone one of gentle teasing. “Of course. What is it?”
“Aren’t you a guy?”
Xavin gave him a small smile. “Gender is a matter of choice for us. My base form is male, but I prefer to be female. We are capable of being what we wish to be. We are… what we think we are.”
Teddy hesitated. “What do you… think you are?”
Xavin gave Teddy a Mona Lisa smile. “In love.”