Title: Sisters
Fandom: Gen13 vol 1
Characters: Freefall
Prompt: 54. Sister
Rating: G
Summary: She doesn't know how to feel about it.
Roxanne Spaulding sat in the car and watched her sister pass through the crowd, so far above them, she might as well have been flying, like Sarah could.
She tasted the word again, really trying to apply, the very concept of it, to herself and Kat.
It just didn’t fit in her mind.
It was like some kind of cosmic level joke God was playing, making her and Kat sisters.
She wasn’t sure she really believed it, despite what Mr. Fairchild… what her father… said.
She kept expecting to wake up and find out it was all some weird dream brought on by too much of Grunge’s cooking.
She wasn’t even sure how the idea made her feel.