Title: Vigil
Fandom: Runaways/Young Avengers/New X-Men
Characters: Nico Minoru
Prompt: 13. Calm
Word Count: 150
Rating: G
Summary: Nobody should have to wake up alone.
Author's Notes: A
That Damn MPreg story.
Nico watched her daughter calmly as the young speedster flitted about the room, vibrating with barely suppressed fury.
“How can you be so calm?” Rachel almost shrieked. “Daddy-”
“Is in the best of hands,” Nico said, fingering her rosary. “Vic’s with him right now, so if anything changes, we’ll know.”
Rachel finally stood still, her hands on her hips. “Why do you do this? This… thing? The watching?”
“The word you’re looking for is ‘vigil’,” Nico said, wrapping the beads around her wrist. “Your father started it.” She stroked her daughter’s hair. “He hates to wake up alone.” She kissed Rachel’s forehead, remembering how Tommy had first explained it to her.
”Nobody should have to wake up alone, Nicky.”
The vigils got a bit easier when Victor joined in. He was someone to lean on, someone who knew. One slept while the other watched, so they wouldn’t be alone anymore.