Title: The Glass Coffin
Rating: PG
Universe: DC Comics, Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 5
Summery: Brainaic 5 just can't go about a relationship in a normal way...
He hadn’t slept in so long that he couldn’t remember when the last time he’d closed his eyes actually was.
If anyone had been paying attention, they might have worried, but as far as the Legion was concerned, Brainiac 5 disappearing to his labs and not emerging for days at a time was normal for him. Some of them even thought that this was truly typical Coluan behavior. Only Lyle really took notice that Brainy was hiding from them, and nobody paid attention to Lyle.
Querl was muttering to himself as he fussed over calculations and adjusted machinery. This… this would work. It had to work.
He ran a hand over his hair, barely registering that it had gotten longer and so was badly in need of a trim… and even more in need of a wash. He paused only a moment in his work to look down at Dream Girl, safely encased in the clear chamber. He’d done this often. There were little smudges on the glass from where he had touched it. The last time he’d slept, it had been here. There was even a small trail of dried spittle on the glass.
Querl scowled at the smudges and wiped at them with his sleeve. “I’m sorry,” he murmured to ears that couldn’t hear him. Nura was the only person he’d talked to lately. He’d told her everything he was doing. He thought it might make her smile to think how hard he was working to wake up someone who he had found so very vexing.
“You might smell something,” he murmured aloud as he turned a knob. “But there’s nothing that can hurt you. Might make you cough a little.” He ran a hand over his greasy hair again, turning the knob harder. The chamber started to fill with gas, obscuring Nura from his sight. This worried Querl, but only a little.
He started the system that would flush the gas out. Couldn’t expose her for too long. Had to do this carefully. Had to do this right.
The lab was silent.
Querl watched Nura intently.
She didn’t move. She was as still and pale as a -
‘She’s not dead. She’s not!’
“Wake up. Wake up, damn you.” He brought a fist down hard on the glass. It cracked a little.
He didn’t even see her fingers twitch.
BTW, does anyone out there think they could e-mail me some Dream Girl icons? Pleease?