Title: Had The Talk
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski/Jean-Paul Beaubier
Prompt: 40. Flirty
Word Count: 274
Rating: PG
Summary: Jean-Paul finally got Victor to hold still long enough to have the talk with him.
Author's Notes: Sequel to
Promises You Can’t Keep “Do you want me to go?”
Jean-Paul looked at the clear blue sky, wishing for a moment he could be up there. He had finally gotten everything out with Victor, and now the boy was asking questions.
Victor opened his mouth to say something, but a prepubescent shriek of rage cut through before he could speak. “Shelly, you give Marcus back his ice cream!”
Perhaps doing this during the school field trip to the zoo wasn’t the best idea, but at least there, Jean-Paul would be sure Victor wouldn’t do anything to distract him.
The younger mutant gave his own ice cream cone a thoughtful lick. “Good,” he said, returning to the pre-shriek topic of conversation. He stretched, his t-shirt riding up on his stomach and offering Jean-Paul a view of smooth green skin. “Now that that’s settled - EVAN! DO NOT TELEPORT INTO THE MONKEY CAGE!” He shook his head. “Was I ever that stupid?”
“Non,” Jean-Paul murmured, running a finger up the back his the younger man’s neck and around his ear. Victor’s eyelids drooped a bit, and he smiled lazily. “You were always far too clever with your foolishness.”
“They’ll never be able to prove a thing,” Victor said with an impish grin.
Jean-Paul snorted. “Wicked boy.”
“I could show you how wicked--”
There was a splash.
“-as soon as we fish Julian out of the pond.”