What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems

Oct 30, 2006 19:36

Title: Untitled YA AU Part 1: Young Avengers Assemble
Universe: Young Avengers AU
Summary: I’ve been infected by yet another incredibly annoying plot bunny. This bunny had me wondering… what if William and Thomas hadn’t been destroyed by Mephisto, back in the day?

Theodore Altman slunk home, a ball of despair (or possibly school lunch) sitting heavy in the pit of his stomach. Greg was never going to speak to him again. But he wasn’t about to use someone else’s credit card to buy beer. That was just going too far. So Teddy had put his foot down, and now Greg hated him.

He’d done the right thing.

So why did he feel so miserable?

“Mom, I’m home!” he called, shutting the door and turning to find his mother sitting in the living room with-

“Oh my God.”

[Theodore Altman? I would like to speak with you.]


“I’m sorry,” Mrs. Bradley said, shaking her head. “We haven’t seen him, not for a while. He thinks we’ll be safer that way.”

The Vision nodded sympathetically. [I am sorry to bring this up, but I had hoped… should he contact you…]

“We’ll let him know about your offer,” Mrs. Bradley assured him.

“You’re going?” Elijah Bradley asked, sounding more than a little disappointed as he cast a look at the unfinished game of Go set up on the table.

“Mr. Vision has a lot of other things do to, Eli.”

The Vision watched Eli, his mind processing and accessing information, and putting things together. [Elijah, may I have a word with you?]


“I’m not too sure about this, Vision,” Steve Rogers said quietly, watching the two spell casters practicing across the gym.

[I think if our latest adventure with Kang proved anything,] the android said, his eyes also on the pair, [it’s that we aren’t immortal. I would feel better knowing the next wave of heroes was prepared.]

The smell of ozone filled the air. “Tommy doesn’t exactly strike me as hero material, powers or no. What was it he said he wanted to be?”

[Bike messenger,] Vision supplied. [And before that, it was tattoo artist. He just says things like that out of a desire to rebel.]

All the lights exploded, plunging the gym into darkness. “And of course, there’s Billy,” Steve said dryly.

[Which is why we’re training him,] Vision pointed out smoothly.

“I’m surprised Wanda’s allowing this.”

[Billy would go into super-heroing whether she wanted it or not. This way she’s able to keep an eye on the boys.]


“But why can’t I join?” Cassie Lang demanded.

“Because your mom would kill us all,” Scott Lang explained, not for the first time. “Slowly. With rusty pliers.”

“But Daaad-!”

“Honey, you’re fourteen and you don’t have powers.” He stroked her hair. “And your mother would kill me.”

“This is so unfair. Billy and Tommy get to do it!”

“Billy and Tommy have powers.”

“Hawkeye doesn’t have powers and he gets to be a full Avenger.”

“Hawkeye has training.”
“How am I ever gonna get training if I’m not allowed to train?”


“Oh wow,” Teddy breathed, looking up at the gates of the Avengers Mansion . He gripped the shoulder straps of his backpack. “Oh wow.” He looked from the gates to the buzzer, then back again, whispering another “Oh wow,” as he pressed the buzzer. “Um. Hello?”

“Please state your name and purpose of visit.”

“Theodore Altman. Um. The Vision asked me to come?”

“Please wait.”

“Oh wow.

He saw the mansion door open, and Hawkeye strolled out like this was the most normal thing in the world. Only Teddy’s shape shifting abilities kept him from making a total ass of himself. He bit down on his tongue and kept from pulling out his autograph book. “Theodore Altman?” the Avenger asked. “You’re the last one to show.”

“Yessir. Sorry sir,” Teddy said, scratching the back of his head.

“It’s not ‘sir’. It’s Hawkeye, or Clint,” he said, opening the gate. “Enter freely and of your own will.”

“Oh wow.”


“IwanttheguntodisappearIwanttheguntodisappearIw- oof!”

Billy Maximoff was knocked out of the air by a stun blast from the gun he’d been trying to vaporize. He rolled a few feet and collided with a pair of very solid legs. “Ow! Sorry!” Billy muttered. A pair of strong hands helped him to his feet, and Billy turned and looked into a pair of big blue eyes framed by thick blond lashes. “Um.” Billy felt his ears getting hot.

“Oh wow.”

“He says that a lot,” Clint said, yanking Billy’s attention away from the blond boy.

“Um.” Billy the Ever Eloquent said.

[Mr. Altman. I am glad you have arrived. Billy, are you alright?]

“Fine, sir,” Billy said, squeaking slightly, aware that the boy had taken his hands away.

[Good. And now you’re all here-- Thomas you will cease and desist all attempts to make Eli’s punching bag blow up right now.]

“I wasn’t doin’ nothin’,” Tommy pouted, trying to put on an innocent face.

“Oh wow,” the blond said again.

marvel, young avengers

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