Fanfic Master List

Jan 01, 2010 00:00

Archive of Our Own has most, but not all, of the fics on this LJ.

Explanation for some tags

habsburgs refers to stories about the House of Habsburg, including Spain, Austria, Portugal and related colonies (if any) during the time period, which is 1500-1700.

nusantara refers to the Southeast Asian region, e.g. Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, etc.

sankt mariens refers to stories in which Prussia is female (i.e. Gillian Beilschmidt)

requests refers to entries open to readers for prompts of all sorts. Usually you get a lot of additional info about fanon in these posts.

Newer stories are arranged at the top. Multis are generally kept together. Stories in an arc are kept together.


Title: My Girlfriend, Who Lives In Canada
Length: 1,370 words
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Genre: lmfao
Characters, Pairings: America, Canada
Summary: Look, Canada is totally culturally significant, particularly with regards to the existence of a my absolutely real girlfriend, who lives there.

Title: Count the hours, little flower
Length: 6,400 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex, swearing
Genre: Porn, frustration
Characters, Pairings: Prussia/fem!Germany
Summary: Letting a blossoming young woman who had just discovered her sexuality into his bed was not the smartest thing Prussia could have done.

Title: Hey Baby, Do You Want To Touch My... Missiles?
Length: 4,000 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing and terrible Cold War euphemisms
Genre: crack, what the fuck are you on god's sake
Characters, Pairings: Prussia/Germany
Summary: Mm yeah, that's just how the GDR rolls, baby.

Title: Carneades
Length: 3,000 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Description of violence, a whole lot of swearing
Genre: oh shit
Characters, Pairings: Germany, Prussia
Summary: If two men were drowning in the ocean and there was a plank that could only hold the weight of one man, pushing the other man away was not murder. Not murder.

Title: This is NOT how we do things around here
Length: 2,500 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex, swearing
Genre: Porn
Characters, Pairings: fem!Prussia/Germany
Summary: Do you know what Germany likes? Breasts.

Title: The Way The World Works
Length: 1,670 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex
Genre: Tee hee, aww, porn
Characters, Pairings: Prussia/Germany
Summary: All he was doing was restoring the balance.

Title: Time and Tide and "One Thousand And One Arabian Nights"
Length: 3,680 words
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Genre: Tee-hee
Characters, Pairings: Turkey, OCs Malaya and Sumatra
Summary: All he did was tell some stories and teach her how to read. He never expected it to breed a new civilisation.

Title: Fields of Sunshine
Length: 2,150 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex scenes (outdoors)
Genre: Tee-hee
Characters, Pairings: Spain/S.Italy
Summary: Good harvest equals good mood. Good mood equals "Christ, can you get your clothes off any slower?"

Title: The Rest Is Silence
Length: 3,200 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex scenes (while drunk)
Genre: Mildly (morbidly) humourous, mildly depressing
Characters, Pairings: Denmark/Hamlet
Summary: We are arrant knaves all; believe none of us. Because, really, incest is definitely a step up from an all-out royal massacre.

Title: The Young Prince
Length: 1470 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Tee hee, aww, FLUFF!
Characters, Pairings: young!Germany, fem!Prussia, Old Fritz age 9
Summary: Hide and seek and tag was a game she had made up to occupy Germany and its German kings.



Title: Hither Lies Our Fated Way (The Habsburg Marriage Trilogy)
Length: 44 595 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Rough sex, angst
Genre: LONG HISTORICAL, so srs, woobie, SEX!
Characters, Pairings: Spain, Austria || mentions of Hungary, England, Holland, Turkey, France, North Italy, South Italy || OCs Portugal, Malaya, Peru || Austria/Spain
Summary: By this most holy of unions do we join the Kingdoms of Austria and Spain that they shall ever more find longevity and, within each other, ultimate peace. This story is writ to chronicle these two hundred Habsburg years.

Title: The Great Escape
Length: 4,400 words
Rating: R
Warnings: Sex scenes (outdoors)
Genre: Tee-hee
Characters, Pairings: Austria/Spain
Summary: The price for distracting him from a day's work was steep. Very steep.

Title: Nigh Comes The Tide
Length: 1,520 words
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Genre: Depressing enough
Characters, Pairings: OCs Portugal/Malaya as teenagers
Summary: The Dutch-Portuguese Wars, The Thirty Years' Wars and The Eighty Years' Wars envelop him. The domestic rebellion is what finishes him off.

Sankt Mariens
(or the fem!Prussia history arc)
These stories are arranged according to their own chronology and not by date of writing. Arranged earliest to latest going downwards.

Title: The Beginning of an Age
Length: 1240 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Genre: whoa, damn
Characters, Pairings: Fem!Prussia (her origins)
Summary: She remembers nothing of her life before she becomes an enclave. She only dreams of them.

Title: Natalis
Length: 1920 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Gen
Characters, Pairings: young!Germany age 5-ish, fem!Prussia age 17-ish, OC Hesse age 19-ish
Summary: She took him in because there was only one destiny she could accept, and it was greatness.

Title: In Dust, You Conquer: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Complete
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Genre: aww, fluff!
Characters, Pairings: fem!Prussia, young!Germany ages 5 to 9
Summary: They were never bound by anything concrete; not blood nor politics. But this was why they became family.

Title: The Great King: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Work In-Progress
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: N/A
Genre: Gen
Characters, Pairings: Frederick the Great, fem!Prussia, Germany || Frederick The Great/fem!Prussia
Summary: The life and times of Frederick II of Prussia.

Title: Close Enough.
Length: 1950 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Tee hee, aww, FLUFF!
Characters, Pairings: young!Germany, fem!Prussia
Summary: Valentine's Day never comes to the German House. One wonders why.

Title: With Gladness In Our Hearts
Length: 1250 words
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Genre: Tee hee, aww, FLUFF!
Characters, Pairings: young!Germany age 10-ish, fem!Prussia age 17-ish || young!Germany age 17-ish, fem!Prussia age 21-ish
Summary: There was never any fanfare when they returned from war. Just slamming doors.

Title: Smoke and Ash
Length: 27,900 words
Rating: PG-15-ish
Warnings: Violence, swearing, attempted sexual assault, "death"
Genre: LONG HISTORICAL, whoa, damn, oh shit, not tears
Characters, Pairings: fem!Prussia, Russia || Germany, United Kingdom, America, France || Human OCs || one-sided sort of Russia/fem!Prussia, one-sided OC/fem!Prussia
Summary: Post-WWII, the tragedies and treacheries from before and after the war psychologically shape what is left of a fallen power, birthing a new nation.

Title: 155 kilometres: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Work In-Progress
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Psychological horror
Genre: Horror, thriller
Characters, Pairings: fem!Prussia, Russia, Germany || Russia/fem!Prussia
    They were building a wall.

    More than a decade after separation from her brother, the building of the Berlin Wall has unintended, horrible consequences on the psyche of Prussia.

Title: As Coarse As Diamond
Length: 900 words
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Genre: so deep bro
Characters, Pairings: Germany, Prussia
Summary: Hard lines and sinewy flesh, white skin broken by scars and bruises and rough to the touch; that was his sister.

Title: Cigarettes and Silk Stockings
Length: 3,900 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dryhumping, light swearing
Genre: Frustration, porn
Characters, Pairings: fem!Prussia/Germany
Summary: It wasn't that he couldn't see her, it was that he couldn't see her.

Title: Smart Casual
Length: 3,200 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Potty language and making out
Genre: Tee hee, aww
Characters, Pairings: Germany/Fem!Prussia
Summary: She'll never let him do what he wants, not even on a date.

Title: Die Quahl Der Wahl
Length: 8,888 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex
Genre: Humourous and sexy
Characters, Pairings: Germany/fem!Prussia
Summary: She wasn't wearing a bra. This was both good and bad.

(fem!Prussia Human AUs)

DC: Batman

Title: Patterns In The Smoke
Length: 1,800 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Gay sex
Genre: Porn
Characters, Pairings: Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne
Summary: Twice is coincidence. Thrice is a pattern.

To break and mend

Rating: G
Warnings: AU
Genre: Gen, baw, damn, aww
Characters, Pairings: Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Summary: After the tragic death of his parents, 12-year-old Dick Grayson is taken in by Bruce Wayne and finds himself having to share the family with his 10-year-old son, Damian.

Length: 560 words
Synopsis: The first meeting.

Band of Brothers


Genre: damn, so srs
Pairing(s): Eventual Speirs/Lipton; gen for now
Notes: Lipton-centric.
Summary: Lipton lived the war like a soldier. And that frightened him the most.
Rated: G

Part 1
Words: 3132
Synopsis: Wherein Lipton learns to trust again.

Part 2
Words: 1314
Synopsis: Wherein Lipton discovers his mean streak.

Part 3
Words: 1991
Synopsis: Wherein Lipton learns about life and death.

Part 4
Words: 1257
Synopsis: Wherein Lipton comes to accept mortality and giving in.

!masterlist, !shit

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