I just bought myself a photobucket pro upgrade for a month, and I'm sure I'll end up extending it, so yay to no more bandwidth concerns! on to the update.
and man oh man I wish my photos would stay in order when I uploaded them.
Last time I left you with an unwilling Liam McGee by
quellasims and Amata really need some more woohoos and to give me another heir candidate...so...
Amata: That sure is a nice tie, Liam!
Liam: my tie, really, you think it's nice?
beneath the overgrown lemon tree that's bursting out of the glass greenhouse walls
wow, that's one sided.
I wouldn't be surprised if she eats her partner after mating, like a preying mantis (they are the ones that do that, aren't they? that's what I remember from Nine Months)
Time for Caspian to grow up!
he rolled popularity
and he's also straight.
father and son bonding time, watching the old man get skin cancer, a fine time in every young mans life.
and then joining in on the fun
Dwight finally managed to get himself a nice tan
Caspian, not so much, he appears to be following in his mothers fail!tan
I was really tempted to make this the teaser, he looks so happy to have his head under water.
The magical mystical crystal ball told me that he has high chemistry with Rae by
telectroscope but I can't really tell how high because she's an adult and he's a teen, UH OH.
Niji: no one has filled my food bowl in two days, feed meee
Dwight: -chunks rock'o'chicken-
Caspian: Quit, no one is going to believe that my cat ate my homework!
this is just because he's a hott piece of sim, even though he's burnt to a crisp and looks like he has a burn 'stache.
I sent Caspian out to buy clothes because Amata was going to turn into an elder in a few days, and was undoubtedly going to transition into something hideous.
this is Opaline by
quellasims ...right? I think so.
Caspian: that guy in the overalls? weirdo.
then I sent him to the park to scope for babes.
hello there Hestia Randolph by
quinctia you just met that girl! and she isn't eligible to be your lady friend, get her out of here.
Caspian has like three nice points, idk why he's getting up on these girls.
then he went to..club dante..maybe..and found Badger Nerdface by
telectroscope and Dahlia Zbornak by
stakeit_uk looks like Dahlia is trying to beat out the competition by breaking Badgers arm.
back at the house, Dahlia seems to have some beef with Amata.
why are you so happy, Caspian, seriously? you have three nice points THREE OF THEM, quit smiling.
just to say that I want him IRL and I want his world map, too.
sparkly french toast, mmm
and the effects of french toast on Dwight, he apparently is battling a weight problem.
and he looks dismayed about it.
it's okay, baby, love your curves.
joyous about cleaning.
joyous about video games. nothing gets this kid down....so far.
Amata has discovered the stationary bike.
she made kitty sick =[
I lured this cat in because I want kittens! but he's also a boy..unfortunately, he's way more awesome than Niji.
this awesome townie walked by, she has lady gaga hair, alien eyes and a super white skintone. uhhh, yes please?
lemme get up on that couch with you, k, Caspian?
yes, there are the three nice points.
..over your sleeping mother, really classy.
He figured that Rae might want some food, so he made grilled cheese...err, burnt cheese.
no frowns here.
wait..that's a sort of unpleasant face, yes!
Rae might be a good choice for him, she's down with the burnt cheese.
stay classy, son.
congratulations, Amata, you managed to turn into an elder only giving me ONE CHILD TO PICK FROM, THAT IS NO CHOICE.
you shame the romance sim name, or maybe you're just really good at it.
more time to woohoo.
Ahoy there!
lil cutie.
I somehow managed to miss putting borders on a few photos, so that's all you get!