(no subject)

Jun 12, 2010 21:17

Last time we left off with Eir finding herself a very sexy man friend, Carrot Stick Behr by simppl_life

Apparently no one told Eir that mentioning her near sightedness right before baby making probably isn't a good idea.

they were having a ton of sex and somehow she wasn't getting pregnant, so I had to manually make them try for baby. AND IT WORKED.

yech, young love, it makes me sick. but it would make me substantially sicker if they were you know..young.

Carrot Sticks LTW is to have six grand children, so I just kept him in the medicine career, why the heck not?!

Carrot Stick: I will not sleep in the same bed with my father in law, you can't make me?

Well, I didn't tell you to, you have a perfectly good bed that you share with your wife!

No, NO! she only had about ten days til elder at this point.

Apparently being a pirate isn't an easy profession for a woman in her first trimester.

another thing that isn't easy? having five dogs who rarely get along.


also? Casserole..not creepy at all.

Yeah, that's just the norm. CS getting some skilling in while a pack of stinky animals roam around the house and pee on anything that stands still long enough, including, somehow, under the kitchen table.

oh, they also dig the yard up.

This is what Eir got for being an adventurous woman of the world! and it actually matches her room decor so I just stuck it in there with it's creepy glowing eyes. maybe it can bring fortune and fertility to them.

Eir, that's just not conceited at all.

Since this is a VIKING DEATH SQUAD LEGACY, and also because Eir is an ARRRR Pirate, the naming theme for this generation is Famous Pirates!
just thought I'd tell you, you know, under a chance card.

this is a really cute outfit, isn't it? and doesn't Eir look FABULOUS with her little bump?

I saw this and then I looked at her memories and she'd actually only eaten like, sixty sandwiches, not that I'm complaining, but how does that equal 200, EA?!

I had Ferdinand lure over Loki to sell the dogs to, and it worked! we got about 700 for each of them. I kept Casserole and Fajita because they were crazy looking.

this was Eir's wants, I'm not sure why I took a photo of it, maybe because she wants a baby and she also wanted to SCOLD one of the dogs, which wasn't her dog anymore.

CS brought home Badger Nerdface by telectroscope

Excited or terrified, you decide.

Oh, well okay then.

those are apparently the only two photos I took, but Eir and Carrot Stick's bed was already the highest comfort so I didn't swap it.

I swear to you Fajita is a beast, a mean, evil beast.

she also sleeps in what used to be Saga and Hel's room.

Just Eir, ready to spit out a baby taking a sunrise hike with her loyal companion, Casserole.


Idunn calls at all hours, usually for CS. I have a ton of these screen shots but I won't bore you with all of them.

did this come with University, or did it come with Free Time? because I don't have uni.

Carrot Stick has been telling his in laws about his secret life as a burglar.

but he makes such awesome faces that no one can blame him.

a single baby.

A single GIRL BABY, named Anne after Anne Bonny.
she has carrot sticks hair color, eye color, and one of Pooklet's newer skins.

I told you, Fajita is so mean!

shy flirting with your baby daddy? ADORABLE, please continue.

they did this all on their own, they melt me.


I usually just have whoever it is hang up on Idunn but I figured since Embla was getting close to the end, we might let her talk.

and here is Fajita being disgusting.


And here is Anne...who may or may not be a clone of CS.


like I said, no.

I guess she was reading the Kama Sutra.

she kept rolling wants to learn physiology, so I gave in.


Poor Ferdinand and Casserole =[


Rutabega's first haunting!


I swear she isn't farting, she's just itching her legs.

CS: Hey dude, I heard your wife died last night, that's a major bummer bro, but maybe she'll turn up tonight, you know, ghosts, BOO, AHH!?

I forgot that physiology made them gain body points super fast, ah well, GO EIR.

no, I can see why.


Carrot Stick is a good daddy, but Anne is a bit..unfortunate..looking.

I promise you, I am doing you a favor by not showing you her before her make over.

and with that..I will say goodnight.
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