Damo: eps 7-9

Sep 22, 2006 17:54

I think I am dead.  Overload in so many, many ways...

Hwangbo Yoon and Chae-Ok, I think, would literally die without each other.  I don't mean simple "I can't live without you protestations"...I think they'd literally die.  The only way I see one outlasting the other by even a year is to hunt down the other's killers...and then die.  Not even suicide, really(actually, they would, it's established, esp. on his end) they would just literally cease living and POSSIBLY keep existing, but not for long, as they'd just just waste away.

One way or another, I think I will be dead(temporarily) when this show is over...either out of grief or relief.

I think I'm almost incapable of talking about anything BUT the OTP right now, but  shall make an attempt.

First, a bit of backtracking for a scene I meant to talk about from uhm...either ep 4 or ep 5, but forgot.  Hwangbo Yoon wants Chae-Ok with him at almost all costs.  The "almost" however, applies to the fact that staying with him requires her to be in danger.  as such, part of him wants her to want to leave, so he can send her somewhere asfe.  She's told her this more than onceover the years, but there's one scene inparticular that stands out.  After he tells her, she tells him that no one has ever imprisoned her as much as he has, but no one has ever freed her as much as he has, either.  His intense need to protect her holds her prisoner even more than her social status does, but it also frees her because he gives her more respect and affection than many free women receive.  She didn't have to spell it out, of course, but it was obvious what was meant.

Moving on...

At the end of episode 5/beginning of episode 6, Chae-Ok is shot and surrounded by soldiers.  Jang Sung-Baek saves her(with flashbacks, to make sure we understand that it's EXACTLY like when they were separated as children) but a he's carrying her back to the camp, it's intercut with scenes of Hwangbo Yoon sick(leading to a scene with the magistrate's daughter...poor woman.  He needs to tell her he can never be the kind of husband she deserves so she can let go of that last shred of hope and find a man who ISN'T obsessively devoted to another woman and as such, can be the kind of husband she deserves)  When Hwangbo Yoon receives word that Chae-Ok was shot, he looks like someone reached inside and ripped out all of his insides.  Only the sense of duty pounded into him, from, you know, birth, kewpt him from going.  But, the second someone gave him an excuse to go, he was off like a bolt of lightning, and that "sick" thing cleared up immediately(I hope...bad feeling a deadly illness is looming)

She, meanwhile, learns he's been fired, and leaves the rebels' camp before it's healthy for her to.  He saves her from one of the rebels, and neither can really be bothered to stop long enough to answer each other's queries about their own problems(besides her insistence that she's fine, which far from satisfies him) because they're too caught up worrying about the other.  Thisresults in hugging and I can't live without you stuff "both from him) and he carts her back home(leave her with the rebels who let her get shot?  Nuh uh.)

Anyway, the lead they thought she found in the camp was actually a trap(a series, of traps, actually) resulting in him(and the magistrate) being about 5 minutes from execution because it looks like they've horribly mismanaged the case.  She knows that it was a trap, and that the rebels had help, but can't get anyone to listen to her and tell the king, because she's a servant girl.  The only way she can think of to get to the king is to break into the castle and hope she gets close enough to see her before she gets cut down, and will want to know why an apparent assassin was sent to kill him before having her killed.  And that's...almost exactly how it goes.  Very bloody Chae-Ok, but the king listens nd lets her go, instead of having her killed, like he hould have(she DID break into the palace with the sole intention of getting to the king...)

It gets Hwangbo Yoon and the magistrate free, fortunately , but has her, you know, dying... So, after the regular doctors say they can't do anything, he goes to the king's physician(accosts, really...) for help.  When the physician says that even if he could do anything(which he probably can't) he's forbidden to treat anyone without the king's permission.  To which Hwangbo Yoon says he'll kill the doctor and his assistant, and then himself if he doesn't help, because there wouldn't be any point if she couldn't be saved.  It has the desired effect, resulting in a "she's alive but not really living" state for Chae-Ok.  So Hwangbo-Yoon buddles her up and carts her off to the mountains hoping their master can help, pretty much saying that unless he can return on his feet(meaning, she's able to bring herself back) he won't be coming back.  Very cute and sweet "Taking care of scenes" including him brushing her hair.  And that's where I left off.

A bit on the subject of Jang Sung-Baek...mixed feelings about this guy.  One minute he seems like a peaceful guy who wants peace and harmony and for everyone to come around to his way of thinking, and the next he's framing innocent men of treason and springing traps that kill 150 police officers...

Also, Poor Chae-Ok...she doesn't understand her feelings for Jang Sung-Baek at all.  She knows that she's not drawn to him romantically, and that nothing will shake her devotion to Hwangbo Yoon, but she's drawn to Jang Sung-Baek and can't make herself kill him.  We the audience, of course, know that this is because he's her brother, and his idealogies are the same as her father's, given a more military bent.  She, of course, is clueless about this(the suspicion she had has been discarded, with justification) and so is very confused on the subject.

For my peace of mind, I must finish this this weekend.  Then start something a little lighter and shorter...likely post my list of possibilities later.

. korea:dorama:damo, - kdrama

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