Four times Heero threatens to kill Duo, & one reminder of why he doesn't follow through

Mar 15, 2012 22:02

Rating: G
Word count: 4,743
Genre: Humor, action/adventure
Ships: Heero & Duo, Gen fic
Status: Complete
Summary: Duo is Heero's best friend, but that doesn't mean he doesn't sometimes (often) want to kill him. Every once in awhile, though, he is reminded why he never follows through on that desire. Humor/Gen fic.
Notes:  LJ is giving me fits tonight.  I ( Read more... )

gundam wing, genre: gen fic, fest: five times bb, one-shot

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Comments 2

yanagi_wa March 24 2012, 20:24:06 UTC
Duo can be a real PITA but Heero really wouldn't have him any other way. *g* Great work


doraeazure March 30 2012, 22:42:30 UTC


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