Could I please try to sell my boots from Pennangalan in your shop? The LJ method isn't working and shipping such heavy boots internationally is so expensive that it makes ebaying pointless. Commission can be arranged if you so desire.
Hey Deb, at the moment there is barely enough room for my Swears and all my other retail etc as i about to change around the front of the salon blah blah before i get the main order in May . Gallery Serpentine would prolly be a better bet as i am pretty sure that they have let people do a bit of consignment stuff before. If that doesn't work out there may be another option a little down the track that you could prolly throw them into , ;)
Comments 2
Could I please try to sell my boots from Pennangalan in your shop? The LJ method isn't working and shipping such heavy boots internationally is so expensive that it makes ebaying pointless. Commission can be arranged if you so desire.
Much love,
Gallery Serpentine would prolly be a better bet as i am pretty sure that they have let people do a bit of consignment stuff before.
If that doesn't work out there may be another option a little down the track that you could prolly throw them into , ;)
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