Pride and Vanity

Feb 19, 2013 22:40

Title: Pride and Vanity
Continuity: TFP
Characters: Dreadwing/Knock Out
Rating: K+
Warnings: Slash,
Disclaimer: When you wish upon a star...I still don’t own them.
Prompt: Once upon a time...

Note: I was gonna take this further, but time constraints and pain have stopped me. I may continue it in the future, but I hafta post this now or I'll miss the kinda ends lol.


Once upon a time, on a planet of the designation Earth, two groups of Cybertronian’s were locked in an eternal war. One side pilfered whilst the others protected the precious life on their new home.

High in the sky, the Nemesis soared, cutting through the clouds with ease and remaining in secrecy from their foes.

Upon this ship lived a true beauty, one who kept themself a true vision of perfection. The young mech was named Knock Out, and though he was the ships medic, he was highly sought out by suitors of all ranks.

The problem was the red mech was extremely particular and refused everyone who approached him.

The closest anyone had ever come was to become his close friend and assistant. This one mech, Breakdown, had tried his hardest, he’d wanted to please the mech of his desires, wanted so much to have him, but in the end, he had to settle with being just a friend. He swiftly moved on when finding a femme he found interesting, which meant no bad feelings were left in place between the new friends.

Mumblings about the beauty being into fliers spread, even though he declared himself an automobile enthusiast, and soon rumors of him wanting Starscream were more common. What those who started such fictions did not know was Starscream was long taken, and Knock Out had never had an interest in him. It was true the pair had a strange relationship going for them, but they were no more than friends at best, and even then, Starscream treated Knock Out more as a colleague.

This had gone on and on for decades, until one day, a fallen seeker joined the ship. He was a deep midnight blue and quite bulky for a flier of his caliber. The proud Decepticon follower had travelled far through the depths of cold space to confirm the demise of his dearest brother.

In desperate need of more loyal warriors, the mighty Lord Megatron accepted him fully into his ranks, ordering a complete medical to make sure the new seeker wasn’t carrying any foreign disease or hiding any problems.

It was a fairly dull time for the young medic of the ship, having been ordered to check over the newest warrior. With a deep sigh, he sipped into the medical bay.

“Well, well, well” his voice purred melodically as he inspected the blue flier sat upon the berth in his domain. “A new seeker”

Said seeker felt his spark skip a beat upon visual of the beauty of the ship. He was already in love with the red mech’s voice, but he was the fairest of all Cybertronians he had seen.

With a small frown, the medic moved closer. “Not another strong silent type are you?”

“No-no” the seeker shook his head gently, gazing tenderly at the red mech. “I...just haven’t had the pleasure” he bowed slightly in a very noble fashion. “I am Dreadwing” he offered a servo out to the beauty.

Giggling slightly, Knock Out allowed him to take his slender servo. “Knock Out” he told him, watching with vague interest as this Dreadwing pulled his servo up to his lip components and gave it a delicate kiss in a sign of respect before gently releasing the perfect servo.

“It truly is an honor” Dreadwing smiled warmly, finding the medic try to hide his own feelings and continue his job.

The process was long and boring, but the seeker merely contented himself with watching the lovely medic work. It came as a surprise to him when the medic told him he was done, for he had lost track of time watching Knock Out.

Clearing static out of his vocal unit, the seeker spoke calmly “Perhaps you would like to accompany me to get some energon?”

A light smirk invaded the medic’s visage. “I’d love to” he sighed slightly though, “But I can’t spend too long out, I’ve got a lot of work to get through”

“Understood” the seeker nodded, standing up and offering an arm to the red mech who gently took it.

As the pair walked down the halls towards the energon storage room, Dreadwing couldn’t help but notice the looks they were getting. Some vehicons laughed, some looked jealous, while others began gossiping.

Glancing at the medic still holding his arm, he couldn’t help but smile. Perhaps he could ignore the other crew members, after all, Knock Out truly was worth it. “Why do they jeer? Why do they care?” he eventually asked after a particularly rowdy bunch of fliers.

“Jealousy mainly” the red mech sighed gently.

“But why are they jealous of me?”

A small but endearing laugh came from Knock Out. “Well, I’m not known to return affections”

This shocked Dreadwing, almost enough to make him stop. He mulled over for a moment before asking slowly “And what is it that makes me so special?”

Knock Out hummed cheerfully, inspecting the seeker slowly. But before he could answer, the pair was stopped by a looming shadow.

Gasping slightly, Knock Out released Dreadwing’s arm and jumped back. The seeker was confused but soon traced his optics upon the figure in front of them and stared in shock.

“DREADWING! What do you think you’re doing?” Megatron demanded, red optics flashing dangerously at the blue seeker.

Keeping his expression neutral, Dreadwing calmly responded. “I was escorting Knock Out to the energon storage unit so we could get our rations”

A snarl escaped the warlord, as he took a threatening step towards the pair. “I do not care for such foolishness upon my vessel” and then in an instant, he had grabbed Knock Out and was roughly pulling the medic away from the flier. “Come Knock Out, you have much too work to do” he growled, leading the beautiful mech away. Before they turned off the corridor, Megatron glanced back at the seeker, “Dreadwing, I order you to stay away from Knock Out unless there is a legitimate medical issue”

And with that, the beauty was gone from Dreadwing’s sights.

“Tough break” a new voice commented, causing the seeker to spin around and face the unknown mech. “And here I thought he’d finally picked someone” they continued, moving closer.

Dreadwing inspected the blue mech before him, a little wary. “And you would know how?”

With a soft snort, the mech offered a servo in greeting, “Breakdown, Knock Out’s assistant”

Taking the servo and clasping it firmly, Dreadwing bowed his head slightly, “I am Dreadwing”

After removing his servo from the seeker’s, Breakdown huffed slightly, “You’re the only one he’s been remotely interested in...shame Lord Megatron has other ideas”

Meanwhile, further down the ship, the warlord shoved the medic back into his domain.

“You are to remain in here!” he warned, “I do not want to see you outside of the medical bay again, I’ve had it up to here with your antics” he growled.

Knock Out fell to the ground, highly aware of his ruined finish from the harsh treatment. “But...Lord Megatron! You can’t-”

“ENOUGH!” the Decepticon leader roared. “If I see you outside of this door, I will rip your spark out! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?”

“Crystal” Knock Out cowered further away, slumping as the door closed on him and he was now trapped.

koxdw, transformers fanfic, dreadwing, transformers, knock out, slash, tf

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