Holding Out

Dec 24, 2012 00:22

Title: Holding Out
Continuity: Transformers: Prime
Characters: Knock Out/Dreadwing
Prompt: Hand worship.
Rating: PG
Warning: Hand Fetish, slash.
Disclaimer: I write 'em but I don't own 'em.

Tapping his talons lightly against the surface of his workbench, Knock Out let out a deep sigh. Since Breakdown had been offlined things had become very boring around medbay.

No one to talk to or help him fix his finish. No big strong servos to stroke his plating and buff those hard to reach areas....no affectionate touches...

A deep shudder ran through the bored mech. He had to stop imagining what Breakdown could have done. Sure he helped sort out Knock Out’s finish, but nothing more came of that. Knock Out could muse about the sexy possibilities, but they never came and now never would.

Knock Out had never expressed it, but he really had a kink for hands...not only did he love it when others assaulted his with affection, he also loved to explore theirs, press his mouth to them and taste them...find them exploring his perfect body...

Another shiver of pleasure ran through him at those thoughts. Primus he was bored.

Unfortunately, the ship had been quiet of any medical problems recently, so Knock Out found himself almost superfluous to the cause. He often ended up over shining his finish only to end up sat at his workstation, procrastinating about his fantasies, all while he pretended to mull over some of his projects. One such was the chemical he’d sampled from the Autobot medic.

So lost in his thoughts, the red mech didn’t notice as a form slipped easily into the medbay.

“Knock Out”

Jumping suddenly, the named medic spun round to catch sight of the blue seeker. Dreadwing was stood before him, a semi-stoic look plastered across his faceplates.

“What is it Dreadwing?” Knock Out gritted his denta, not able to use the excuse of being busy much to his chagrin.

A flex ran through the seeker’s servos, his lovely big servos...

Not having noticed his glorious hands before, Knock Out had to train his optics on Dreadwing’s own. He really knew better than trying to flirt with the second-in-command...after all, it only got him into trouble with Starscream.

The flier remained emotionless regardless of whether he registered Knock Out’s lapse in attention or not. “I require your medical expertise”

Edging closer, Knock Out almost gasped as Dreadwing brought up one of his servos, showing off the problem. His forearm armor was pierced and evidence of a few cut wires and small leakage of energon was present. It was a minor wound at best and Dreadwing’s own system would have eventually dealt with it.

Guessing he was being impatient about the healing, Knock Out shrugged and carefully guided him over to the berth. “Shouldn’t take too long” he informed as he gathered a few tools.

For a long while, the pair remained in silence, but Knock Out was highly aware of Dreadwing’s optics watching his servos carefully. Even the thought of someone observing his hands so keenly was enough to send a hot flush through his system. But no...he had to hide it! He didn’t want Dreadwing to think he was like this with all his patients. He was particular to servos larger than his own, so a lot of the crew didn’t interest him.

Breakdown had always been in his views, the pair gradually moving closer together... they’d been almost at the courting stage, almost ready to commit to each other, but then the blue warrior was offlined.

A large servo rested on his shoulder plating, causing an involuntary shudder to run through him, though it did its job of snapping him back into reality.

“You are distracted?” Dreadwing queried, the corners of his lip components curling up in a very subtle smile.

“No no...” Knock Out went to object, but Dreadwing’s servo was too distracting, especially as he began tracing a single digit lightly over his finish. His vents hissed slightly as they released some hot air, much to his embarrassment.

The seeker removed his servo, smirking more obviously. “Well then, perhaps you should continue”

Nodding quickly, Knock Out finished reconnecting the wires and quickly sealed the area, evening out the metal plating with ease. As his servos went to retreat, Dreadwing grabbed his arm with his own servo and inspected it seriously.

“Is that a scratch?” he asked in a mildly teasing voice.

Knock Out gasped, trying to look but unable to remove his servo from the seeker’s grasp. “Where?!”

Feeling his hand twisted into a better position, Knock Out’s optics widened in shock as Dreadwing pulled his hand closer to his optics and leant in to inspect his servo carefully. “Right about here...” Dreadwing murmured softly.

His vents hitched as the flier licked at one of his digits and soon began to slowly rub it with his free servo.

“Is...is that really necessary?” Knock Out managed to stutter out.

With a deep purr, Dreadwing suddenly pulled more on his arm and brought his mouth over a couple of Knock Out’s talons. The red mech could feel his system heating up rapidly, and he knew Dreadwing would be able to as well. His cooling fan kicked in, but it didn’t deter the seeker. Dreadwing merely nibbled on the talons gently and probed them with his glossa slowly.

The sensations going through his servos were just wonderful. Knock Out’s processor swam as he struggled to come up with a comprehendible protest. He had nothing. But then again...did he want this to stop?

As the talons popped audibly out of Dreadwing’s mouth, the flier smirked as he spoke. “Is that better?” His wings twitched in an almost playful manner as he continued to inspect the servo in his own grasp. When Knock Out didn’t respond, he continued. “One with as perfect servos as you should not have to suffer any imperfections”

And there it was...he had said Knock Out’s hands were perfect.

With a shiver of pleasure, Knock Out’s engine revved suddenly. Dreadwing released his wrist, but it didn’t change much.

Skulking forward, the Aston Martin smirked in return as he began to explore Dreadwing’s servos, mapping each talon out with his own and fiddling with the joints. He almost mewled in pleasure as the seeker pushed his servo forward towards his mouth, but Knock Out eagerly complied, taking one of his large talons into his oral cavity.

The taste...the feel...

Pulling back with a shuddering ex-vent, Knock Out managed to gasp out the flier’s designation.

But it wasn’t over.

Dreadwing picked up the medic and pulled him onto the berth, soon pinning him down. He then drew his servos up and began to dance around Knock Out’s form. His large hands touched the red medic teasingly, pinching here and stroking there...lavishing Knock Out all over.

As the large servos groped his hips, Dreadwing leant down and nibbled on a digit again, this time sending Knock Out into overload. Shuddering in pleasure, his engine roared as he screamed out suddenly.

Watching the cherry red mech overload only caused Dreadwing to purr slightly. He smirked to himself and drew back, slowly standing and taking in more of the mech before him.

Knock Out began to recover, catching another almost cheeky look across Dreadwing’s faceplates. “What about you?” he asked quietly. “You didn’t overload...”

“We all have our own preferences” the second in command stated calmly, heading towards the exit, “Perhaps another sol we shall indulge in other things” with a final grin, the seeker left with the simple words of “Until next time”

Knock Out remained on the berth for a long while after Dreadwing left. How had Dreadwing known? Was he that obvious? He wondered about many things as he recovered from the overload...how long the seeker had been interested in him and why he was suddenly so keen to dabble with him, but mainly about what Dreadwing’s kink was and how he would repay the seeker.

“I guess I’ll have to give him regular appointments”

dreadwing, slash, tf, koxdw, kink, knock out, transformers, fanfic

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