Knock Off the List

Nov 11, 2011 00:08

Title: Knock off the List
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Knock Out/Megatron
Rating: M
Warnings: Slash, sticky, sparkplay, yaoi,
Prompt: First Fives Challenge
Disclaimer: You know I don't own 'em. I know I don't own 'em.

~The First Kiss~Checking the scanner quickly, Knock Out gazed at the large silver mech before him.

“Everything appears to be in perfect working order, my Lord” he stated as casually as he could, still unbelieving that Megatron had restored himself. Mere megacycles ago he’d been stuck in an eternal dream.

The tyrant grunted in acknowledgement, eyeing the cherry red medic critically. “So Starscream called you in, just for me?”

Knock Out faltered for a moment, pausing before moving away with the scanning equipment, typing desperately fast on a datapad before answering. “Well…you see…”

Megatron stood suddenly, looming over the little Aston Martin as he continued. “Clearly he wanted someone he could manipulate…someone he could force into position to assure his place as leader” the warlord growled angrily, throwing a death glare at the confused medic.

“Lord Megatron!” Knock Out bowed quickly, “I would never disobey your orders…Commander Starscream called upon me for my expertise”

The glare only hardened, “Then why did it take the Autobot scout mere cycles to succeed in awakening me where you failed? Why couldn’t you have done that?!” Megatron demanded, practically in the medics face about it.

Knock Out felt extremely uncomfortable. Megatron had crossed the boundary of personal space…Primus…he’d fragging annihilated it all together and was showing off his power.

Keeping his gaze low, Knock Out tried to answer his query. “I’ll admit I hadn’t considered a cortical psychic patch as an option…”

Megatron watched the medic shuffle nervously, the movement emphasizing his hips quite a lot. Greedily taking in the sight of the cherry red mech, he considered what had been said.

“Perhaps I could…overlook this” Megatron smirked at the relieved expression across Knock Out’s faceplates. “After all, I’m sure there is much better things you could do with your…expertise”

Knock Out shuttered his optics. That not so subtle pick up line was terrible. He eyed the leader secretly, thinking that maybe, just maybe, he was acceptable. Breakdown and himself had done a lot of buffing and polishing on his framework to make him look as good as possible. The shine of his finish was okay, obviously not as good as his own, but then again, whose could be?

“What say you, medic?” Megatron continued, moving his faceplates even closer, mere inches from Knock Out’s own faceplates, his optics boring deep into the doctor’s. “Will you indulge me?”

A cocky smirk snuck its way onto the medic’s face as he continued optical contact. “Do you want that as a doctor’s order?”

Megatron vented slowly, gazing into the perfect mech’s optics. He could see the glimmer of interest, as well as the sparkle he had come to love in the medic, even in the short time he’d known the mech. The ruby red optics of Knock Out shone out as perfectly as his finish, always catching Megatron’s attention.

Knock Out cycled some cool air through his system before deciding to make a move, hesitantly leaning up and kissing the warlord. Megatron kissed greedily as soon as he could, clearly desperate for the red mech.

As they pulled away, Megatron took a step back, taking in Knock Out’s full form.

“I expect you to stay loyal Knock Out” he stated seriously, “Loyal to me in all aspects of the word”

Knock Out nodded, a cheeky look crossing his optics. “Naturally” he sauntered forward, standing closer to his master once more. “In my medical opinion, you require a daily dose of vitamin Knock Out”

Megatron let out a small chuckle, trying to mask it as a huff. Before leaving, he took Knock Out’s hand and placed a simple gentle kiss upon it, murmuring softly to him. And even to this day, Knock Out remembers those heartfelt words:

“I intend to make sure you remain mine Knock Out…I will fight for you if I have to”

~The First Argument & First Make-up Sex~“KNOCK OUT!”

Megatron’s voice roared across the ship, making many Eradicons jump out the way as their leader stormed towards the medical bay. He sharply typed in the code and found the medic simply working on his finish again.

“Yes, oh mighty Lord?” Knock Out smirked, placing the cloth he was using back in his subspace and turning a defiant glare on him.

Megatron frowned, growling deeply at him. “You flirted with Optimus again!” he pointed accusingly at the medic, his whole form flaring with anger.

The Aston Martin sighed lightly, “I called him Sweet-rims as a joke…although he does have nice rims…” Rolling his optics once, he placed his hands on his hips.

“You know I hate you calling him that!” Megatron yelled, taking an aggressive step forward. “It’s bad enough I put up with your constant complaints about ruining your finish…”

Knock Out now glared back, angry by his mate’s words. “I like to look my best, and I can’t if you scrape my paintjob when we interface!”

The tyrant finally came up right in front of his lover, hurt and anger mixing in his red optics. “You swore your loyalty! I shouldn’t need to remind you of it!”

“And I haven’t done anything that means you should!” the medic hissed, folding his arms irritably.

With a deep growl, Megatron grabbed Knock Out by the shoulder armor, gripping it roughly and creating fresh marks in his finish almost instantly. Knock Out hissed in mock pain, becoming more upset by the blemish. Megatron forced him back, causing him to fall over.

“Enough is enough” Megatron loomed over the cherry red mech, this time restraining Knock Out’s hands so he couldn’t react. Glaring into his face, he added, “You know better”

Knock Out gasped as a slight dent was forced into his door on his right arm. “Fine”

Megatron saw the hate in his optics and let go, quickly stomping away and out of the medical bay. “FINE!” he roared back just before the door closed automatically, leaving Knock Out on the floor, a few fresh dents and scratches, but nothing even similar to what any of the others would have gone through. He was lucky Megatron didn’t beat him senseless like he did to Starscream in the past.

Outside, Megatron tore his way through anyone to get back to his personal quarters. Once inside, he punched the wall angrily.

When he had seen the hate in Knock Out’s optics…it tore him apart. He cared for Knock Out too much, even if he didn’t always let it show. The medic had only looked at him like that because he had ruined his perfect finish.

He’d been an idiot.

Knock Out would probably be fixing himself now, cursing him under his breath and…

A sudden alert caught his attention. Someone was at the door, requesting entrance.

With an aggravated sigh, he went over and opened the door, shocked to find his mate on the other side. He stared with wide optics at the cherry red mech, still freshly damaged.


Why was Knock Out here? NOW? He would surely be stressing about how others see him…wouldn’t he?

“Lord Megatron…” he nodded once, his voice weaker than normal.

Megatron moved out the way, allowing him into his room. Once the door was locked again, he turned and looked at his mate sadly, unsure what to say after such words had been sent between them…and especially as he had damaged Knock Out’s finish…

Knock Out cleared some static from his voice, trying to look as calm as he could. “Look, I’m sorry if my little mind games with Prime upset you”

Megatron grunted, not wanting to answer in case he over reacted again. He instead asked, “Why are you here? Don’t you want to fix your finish?”

Knock Out’s expression softened a little.

“No…I would like that, but I don’t want it…don’t need it” he stepped forward until he reached the larger mech, bringing his arms up and around his neck, hugging into him gently, hiding his faceplates in the crook of Megatron’s neck.

Megatron remained frozen for a moment, but soon relaxed and brought his own hands round the red mech’s waist, bending down more and embracing his mate lovingly.

“I shouldn’t have started this stupid argument” Megatron mumbled into the hug.

Knock Out clicked softly, engine soon purring as Megatron fiddled with a few cables between the plating of his lower back. “You were stressed already…but it doesn’t matter” he pulled his helm back to gaze into his mate’s optics, “I love you”

Megatron smiled gently at him, receiving one in return. “I love you more” he whispered, leaning down into a passionate kiss.

Knock Out deepened it pretty quickly, sliding his glossa into the Lord’s mouth, finding it wrap around Megatron’s own.

It was Knock Out who then broke the kiss, leading Megatron towards the berth. Megatron gave him a slightly confused look again.

“There was a reason I didn’t fix my finish…” the medic grinned devilishly at his mate, soon splaying himself on the berth in a very tempting pose.

Megatron growled ferally, pouncing atop Knock Out and quickly kissing him once more. His hands moved up, gently stroking round the wing struts where Knock Out would have had proper wings if his vehicle mode were an aerial one. He had found from past experience that if he fondled them below where the wheels were suspended that they highly aroused the red mech.

Knock Out moaned, his own hands sliding up to trace the lines on Megatron’s chest plates.

Megatron offlined his optics as he felt the medic’s talons dip into a seam, creating fresh charge to seep through him.

His interface panel was really hot now, the throbbing appendage beneath begging to be freed. With a grunt, Megatron retracted the panel; quickly tapping on Knock Out’s to give the hint of what he wanted.

The red mech obliged, his valve now accessible to his master. “Want me to say it?” he cocked an eyebrow, shuffling into a slightly better position.

“Slag yes” Megatron hissed, nipping at the main fin of the red helm.

“Oh Megatron…please be gentle” he teased, giving a fake look of concern to his mate.

This always turned him on so much. Hearing another at his complete mercy really got the Decepticon leader revved up, and for one as beautiful as Knock Out to say it…

Suppressing a shudder, he gently dug a finger into Knock Out’s valve, beginning to stretch the smaller mech so it wouldn’t hurt him. Knock Out keened, jerking a little from the pleasurable sensation.

“You’re tight tonight” Megatron commented, a smirk clear as he inserted a second digit. “And here I thought I was the one more desperate”

Knock Out’s hips twitched up, trying to make contact with Megatron’s. “I already said…I need you” he vented some warm air, deliberately blowing it at Megatron.

The Lord purred lightly, again, pleasured by what was being said. Scissoring his two digits further, he finally managed to place it a third, knowing now the medic was ready to receive him.

Silently, he repositioned himself, straddling the Aston Martin and positioning his spike in line with Knock Out’s valve. Knowing they were both eagerly waiting, he gently pushed himself inside, soon finding the warmth of the valve engulfing his spike, rippling around it needily.

Knock Out moaned again, venting more harshly this time. “Megatron…” he mumbled lovingly, tilting his helm back further and mewling desperately.

Megatron leant in and kissed the medic as he found his spike fully sheathed. As he slipped his glossa into his mate’s oral cavity, he began thrusting, starting at a steady pace.

Knock Out trembled lightly, but willingly kissed back. As Megatron upped the pace, he let out a muffled noise into their kiss, causing the leader to smirk again.

He pulled away from the kiss, looking down upon the writhing mech he was thrusting into.


This was perfect. Knock Out was perfect…

He looked absolutely delicious under Megatron’s own form, his optics shuttering as he was quickly falling into the ecstasy that was overload. Knock Out yelled out his mate’s name as his valve clamped tightly over the spike, which drove Megatron into his own overload.

With a final feral roar, Megatron emptied his transfluids, filling up Knock Out’s valve completely. They remained, as they were for a few cycles, basking in the afterglow.

Eventually, Megatron shifted, gently removing his spike from Knock Out’s valve and retracted his spike, replacing his interface cover. Knock Out vented in satisfaction, also covering his valve which was dripping with their mixed fluids.

“Just what the doctor ordered” he murmured, cuddling into Megatron as he lay beside him.

Megatron kissed him once more, a smile in place across his own faceplates. Within the kiss was a silent promise to not fight like they had again, warming both their sparks.

“Love you” Megatron locked optics with his mate, catching the true devotion in Knock Out’s.

“You’re the only one I could ever love” Knock Out smiled warmly, optics offlining as he hugged in more and felt the loving thrum of Megatron’s spark.

Megatron smiled, offlining his own optics after watching his mate in recharge for a while, knowing his words were true. With a soft sigh, he allowed himself to fall into recharge, knowing as soon as they came out, Knock Out was going to moan about his finish and insist on fixing it immediately.

But that was what he loved about his medic. He was perfect.

~The First Role-Reversal~Knock Out sighed as he sat on the edge of Megatron’s berth, awaiting his mate’s return. He wanted some action…his own spike’s throbbing reminding him dismally that he never got to give, only receive.

He inspected his talons nonchalantly, trying to distract himself. Unfortunately, his mind kept wandering back to Megatron…had he ever been claimed? Or was his valve off limits?

He was snapped out of his thoughts as the door whisked open, the Decepticon leader entering tiredly and flopping down next to him. Knock Out smirked and hugged into Megatron, nuzzling round his neck.

Megatron merely sighed contently.

Now a little curious, Knock Out pulled away, climbing atop the leader and straddling his hips, a grin slipping onto his faceplates.

“Knock Out?” Megaton queried, confused by what the medic was doing.

With a sigh, Knock Out frowned a little as he spoke, “I want to be dominant tonight!”

A slightly shocked expression crossed Megatron’s face, but only for a few seconds. He shuttered his optics slowly, comprehending the situation. Knock Out wanted to switch? Was he unimpressed with how Megatron did it? Was he bored of being fragged?

Knock Out noticed the slight fear in Megatron’s optics and quickly added, “I just want a change…I want to make you mine fully”

Megatron smiled a little. True, no one had ever made him theirs. He was always the dominant, mainly because he loved the power and taking control was in his nature…but that only added a little more fear into him…would it hurt the first time?

With a slightly hesitant vent, he nodded.

Knock Out leant in and kissed him, trying to calm him before they began. He traced his glossa delicately over Megatron’s lower lip, and then gently sucked on it. Megatron shuddered lightly at the odd sensation, unused to such a gesture. Knock Out then gently nibbled Megatron’s lower lip, soon slipping his glossa back into his mate’s mouth.

The cherry red mech swayed his hips happily, tapping gently on the panel covering Megatron’s valve. Megatron let out a muffled growl, pulling away from the kiss and frowning. Knock Out smirked teasingly, finding the frown melt off the leader’s face.

“Don’t worry…I’ll get you nice and wet” Knock Out licked his lips, cocking his head to the side. “Need to prepare you though”

Megatron offlined his optics as he retracted the panel…he had never had to do that…ever!

Knock Out hummed delicately, leaning up and stroking Megatron’s cheek gently. “I’ll be gentle” he said in that tone Megatron loved so much.

Megatron onlined his optics once more, cycle air through his system quickly. He’d never known such nervousness in all his times…even back when he was a gladiator! This was the first and probably only thing that had ever worried him in such a way!

Knock Out traced a finger around the rim before dipping it in. As soon as he did this, Megatron snarled slightly, his hips bucking involuntarily. Knock Out purred, watching the mighty Decepticon writhe under his touch.

Before Megatron could get used to the feeling of Knock Out’s long digit in his valve, a second was gently inserted, beginning to stretch him. This caused him to hiss, letting out a small moan as Knock Out scissored his digits.

Feeling lubricants already dripping out of Megatron’s valve, Knock Out retracted his panel and allowed his spike to pressurize. He then delicately spread some of Megatron’s lubricant on it, knowing the leader was probably going to be all right thanks to the size difference.

Repositioning his hips to line up with his mate’s, he removed his talons and gently pressed the tip of his spike into the waiting valve. Locking optics with Megatron, he gave a reassuring warm smile before pushing further in, quickly sheathing the whole spike within the warm valve.

Megatron clenched his fists, surprised at how nice this felt. It was totally different! Knock Out gave a shallow thrust, making him vent suddenly. That was even better!

Knock Out grinned down at him as he thrust again, seeing the elation clearly in his mate’s expression.

The leader threw his helm further back as Knock Out began thrusting faster, feeling his valve clench a couple of times as he got used to it. Knock Out knew Megatron probably wouldn’t last long as he wasn’t used to this form of interfacing, so he thrust deeper, trying to ready himself too.

Clenching his jaw, Megatron growled before roaring out Knock Out’s name, his valve clamping tightly around Knock Out’s spike. Knock Out vented, feeling his own overload slowly approaching. He thrust a bit quicker, trying to provoke it.

Megatron bucked his hips again, his valve now more sensitive thanks to the overload. He let out a small whimper as it rippled again, a second overload clearly on its way.

Knock Out finally felt as if he was ready. Megatron was showing signs of another overload, and the twitches in his valve were helping to push the medic into it too.

With deep thrust, Knock Out cried out, releasing his transfluids into the leader. Megatron growled as he fell into another overload, his valve once again tightening over the spike as it emptied its contents into him.

Knock Out collapsed on top of him, venting quickly as his system tried to cool itself. As the processor numbing effects of overload wore off, he removed his spike from Megatron and retracted it.

“That was good” he stated, still splayed atop the Decepticon leader’s chest.

Megatron gazed up at him lovingly, reaching up to stroke the medics cheek. “It was certainly…better than I expected”

Knock Out snorted, crawling to his side, lying next to him on the berth. He leant in a stole another kiss, “Your mine now!” Knock Out stated proudly.

Megatron vented slowly, a warm smile playing across his faceplates. “I always have been”

~The First Spark Bond~Waiting.

He’d been waiting.

The waiting had been killing his spark since the day they began. Each day the void reminding him of how he had no sparkmate.

His only relief was he had a mate. He’d comfort himself with the idea that he was about to ask…he had to ask him soon…each new day he’d believe it was the day.

Knock Out fiddled nervously with the polish as he looked at himself in the mirror. ‘Your being paranoid’ he told himself, ‘It’s only been 184 orbital cycles…’

Shaking his head quickly, he looked himself in the optics. “He will ask today!”

He continued polishing, trying to distract himself. Unfortunately, he kept thinking back to the waiting.


It had to be today! They were both ready. Why was the middle bit between their relationship becoming something more still continuing?

He had told himself that Megatron was busy, but still…

Looking to the ceiling he vented slowly. “Primus…please let Megatron ask me today!”

“Ask you what?”

He jumped round hurriedly, staring widely as he found Megatron before him, concern in his optics.

“Oh…um…” he stuttered, shuffling on the spot. “Well…you see…”

Megatron lifted his chin, gazing at his mate carefully. “I think I understand” he smiled softly, bending down and kissing Knock Out quickly. “You’ve been waiting…and I’ve put this off long enough” He bent down on one knee, holding Knock Out’s hands delicately.

“Megatron…” Knock Out quivered, overwhelmed with emotions.

“Knock Out, would you give me the honor of spark bonding with you?”

The cherry red mech leapt into his mate instantaneously, embracing him lovingly, soft clicks escaping his vocalizer. Megatron hugged him back, smiling warmly as his mate continued crying in his arms.

“Yes…of course I will” Knock Out mumbled between clicks.

Megatron once again lifted his chin, kissing him once more. Afterwards, he slowly retracted his chest plating, revealing his deep purple spark to the medic.

Knock Out gazed at it for a moment, finding Megatron’s spark beautiful. He fiddled with his own chest, unlatching a hidden clip behind the shiny red plating. It slid slowly open, the panels retracting behind his shoulder armor.

Megatron watched his spark chamber come into view; the sleek red mech’s silver spark pulsing delicately, slight red tones sparkled within it almost matching his finish.

The Decepticon Leader greedily eyed the medic’s spark, watching it sparkle gentle in the med bay’s lighting. Closing the distance between them, Megatron kissed Knock Out lovingly, positioning his chamber carefully so it was in line with the medic’s.

Knock Out giggled, pushing his chest into Megatron’s, their sparks brushing against each other’s for a moment. Knock Out keened as the new sensation overflowed his system, his engine purring loudly, as he nuzzled Megatron’s helm with his faceplates.

“You like that?” Megatron grinned, leaning down and nibbling on Knock Out’s neck cabling, causing the medic to mewl happily. The cherry red mech again pressed his chest closer to the leaders, this time holding it in place for a little longer. Megatron growled slightly, “Perhaps a more…permanent connection is needed” he moved his helm back, gazing at the red mech’s optics before kissing him deeply, pushing the medic against the wall of the med bay.

“Watch…the…finish” Knock Out managed to gasp out between kisses, moaning as Megatron forced their sparks to brush once more.

Finally, their sparks connected, memories colliding within their processors. Knock Out arched his back more, clawing at the wall feebly as he was assaulted with all of Megatron’s memories and emotions. Megatron shuddered slightly, proud to feel the true devotion Knock Out had for him.

As the sparks continued merging, the two were plummeted into overload, much more intense than when they interfaced as they were overcharged with the other’s spark energies. As the process completed itself, the two sparks separated, each now bearing a small swirl of the other’s spark.

With a small huff, Megatron flopped down on the floor, pulling Knock Out with him. Knock Out nuzzled into his chest, optics offlined as he recovered from the overload.

Megatron reached out through the newly formed bond, sending a wave of love to his sparkmate.

Venting contently, Knock Out lazily sent a response.

The Decepticon leader smiled to himself, stroking the red mech’s helm slowly. Knock Out let out a muffled purr before falling into recharge. Megatron sat up slowly, cradling his sparkmate carefully.

“Recharge well” he grumbled, carrying his mate out of the med bay and towards the leader’s quarters. He placed him gently on the berth and climbed up next to him, pressing him into his own chassis.

Knock Out spark sent a small exploratory pulse over the bond from his recharge, and Megatron sent a light wave of reassurance back.

The medic rolled over and snuggled into Megatron tightly, mumbling to himself. “I knew it would be today”

Megatron hugged the medic around the waist, placing a kiss atop Knock Out’s helm before venting slowly and allowing himself to fall into recharge with his new sparkmate.

mxko, slash, megsy, tf, transformers fanfic, megatron, knock out, transformers, koxm, fanfic

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