Series Title: The Notion of a Perfect Future
Chapter Number: 9
Chapter Title: Unexpected
Fandom/Characters: Grey's Anatomy, George/Izzie
Disclaimer: These characters are NOT mine, they are property of ABC and Shonda Rhimes. Minor reference to The Notebook.
Summary: What the future could possibly hold for George and Izzie!
Spoilers: Beginning at the end
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Comments 6
I can’t live another day without spending every moment with my best friend,
You are my person. And I want you to be, for the rest of my life. Will you?
those lines made me have a NDE mer style. like I went to George&Izzie's love heaven & came back down. when is my soulmate saying that to meeeee? ohhh amyyyyyy 18 days!
yeah, i tend to be in ostevens heaven alot lately, just dreaming about them finally being together...
and my guy says stuff like that to me, its wonderful!
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