For kids meandering in innocently...

Apr 09, 2011 01:44

Video editing is not an easy hobby.

Proof: This Sony Vegas file has been on my hard drive for a year, and it's still sitting there about 90% done. I started it on the thirtieth of April last year. There's ten seconds of it left to edit, there's 130 seconds in the entire thing. I shit you not.

WHY DOES MY BRAIN HATE ME SO. J-Just slop some scenes in ( Read more... )

pairing: shizuo x izaya, pairing: misc, dmg, video editing is hard, wat, fandom: durarara, amv

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Comments 3

razzlie April 9 2011, 23:54:32 UTC
finish it already D; I wanna see


doodlelover April 10 2011, 01:56:25 UTC
Trying. XD My attention span sucks. OTL


xploded_tb April 13 2011, 06:16:02 UTC
Sucking on that phallic thing.


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