okay...like promised I'm now going to upload pictures of my crochet octopuses. I finished the 6th one, and it's the first one that really turned out like it should XD
I'm going to show you only 4 of them, because there were two that absolutely sucked...XDD
okay let's get started XD
Invasion is near ! )
Comments 15
Although I should have known since u told me about everypus xD;
God the name Ohpus is so hilarious xD
but he looks like he has *randomly inserting german word bc forgot the english one* Fühler xD;;
Little shopus the first is still so cute <3 but shopus the second looks very nice too~~
and finally seeing the colorful one~
if it would have violet in it it would have all of arashi's colors xD
and it looks so cute beside shopus the second xD
Aw I love them all xD
looking forward to my ninopus keke *_*
yeah Ohpus sounds just awesome XDD
omg you're right XDD but that only the strings I still need to sew up XDD
well there is something that looks like really really dark violet..like a mixture of wine red and violet...but you can hardly see that in the picture...and it's no Jun-violet..XD
all of them look cute next Shopus the Second, because he is so big XDD
but I'm glad that someone likes them x33
hehe I hope you're Ninopus turnes out good >w<
u didn't tell me ;-;
Yeah totally awesome but somehow it reminds me of something I'm just not sure what xD
ah yeah I figured and u still haven't sew them up for mini shopus xD?
Oh I see xD a not so dominant junish violet xD hm don't suit our DoS xD
but he will his own octopus when u get the violet yarn, ne?
Haha true he rly is big xD but cool xD
They all will be so (even more) awesome when they have their eyes xD
Keke of course I'm ur pusses greatest fan haha xD
yeah *_* me too~ hope it will be a extra cute one (just like nino <3) *biased* xD
I don't have the right needle to sew them up yet x,x I hope I can buy it tomorrow tho~
no Jun...and especially Junpus needs a very very very dominant violet ! XDD it has to be just as porn as he is XD
of course there will be a Junpus...hopefully a very beautiful one ! XDD
I'm not sure if all of them get eyes...XD at least mini Shopus won't get eyes...he is to mini to get some XD and he has thos knubbles anyways XDD
so you are a pus-fangirl? XD YAY~ !!
I'll try my best to make Ninopus extra extra cute ! (and with mole XD)
and omg adorable icon you have ! >w
yeah well after I put lots of work in practising he turned out quite nice^^
but I already told you, when you showed me them in msn XD
but I you didn't show me all of them XD out of the 6 XDbut well ^^
the last one gets really great <3 now i want a big shoctopus <3 but I already told you XD
I did only show you those that were halfways pretty enough to be showen XD;
yeah I like the last one the best too...it finally turned out like it should^^ (I want to show them to Annabell, she has to come back >,< XD)
I need the right yarn and crocheting hook first, before I can make you a bit Shopus !
I'm glad that someone likes them ^_____^
i love your nails, btw T_T
aw~ omg, dabei sind die im moment garnich gemacht...nur einfach lang gewachsen^^"
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