I'm bored so it seems like a good time for a prompt meme! (stolen from measured_words on
dreamwidthHow about alphabet drabble/ficlet challenge, then? Give me a fandom/character/pairing and a prompt for the letter of your choice and I'll write you a drabble! eg: L is for Love, Arrow, Sara/Felicity
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"Mulder, what are you eating?" Scully asked as Mulder spread his lunch out across his desk.
"Charoset," Mulder replied, slathering some kind of spread on a piece of matzoh.
"Yes, charoset. A sweet, dark paste made from fruit and nuts."
"Right. And why are you eating it?"
"It's traditionally eaten on matzoh during Passover."
"Uh-huh, but why are you eating it?"
"It's Passover?"
"All these years of working together and I had no idea you were Jewish."
"Oh, I'm not, I just always appreciate a chance to eat matzoh and charoset."
"Oo-kay... well, enjoy, I guess."
"Thanks, I will."
(sorry for the quality of this, the drabble fought me a LOT)
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