Title: Caffeine Fumes
Pairing/Rating/Warning: none, rated G
Word Count: 100
Summary: "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons." ~T.S. Eliot
Author's Note: Written for the "Future" challenge at
tw100 Java. Cup of Joe. Insomnia in a cup. Lifeblood. Black Gold. Go juice. Nectar of Life. Mud. Elixir of life. Jet fuel. Liquid life. Liquid death. Coffee.
Jack knew there would be a time, in the far off distant future, when the drink would be so rare it was damned near impossible to get, no matter how willing you might be to sell you soul for one more sip. And he knew he’d have to suffer through that time, again. But until then...
“Another cup, Sir? What is this, your seventh?”
“Thanks, Ianto. Actually it’s my ninth, but who's counting?”