cr chart (under construction)

Nov 08, 2010 11:15



Rank 10
She died for him; he'll doubtlessly spend the rest of his natural life trying not to squander the precious gift she gave. Being in Johto is their last chance, their only chance, and Junpei plans to enjoy every second of it. He loves this girl, no ifs, ands or buts, even if she's weird and sets his things on fire sometimes. She inspires him to be greater than himself, and that's not something he can overlook. It goes without saying that he'd do anything for her, should she only ask.


Rank 10
His very best brosis. She got him to open up in ways that no one else ever could, and he's admitted things to her that he has literally told no one else about. He trusts her completely, not just to have his back in a fight--because there's that--but to be there when he needs her psychologically and emotionally, which is kind of big for him. Of course, all this is mutual; he'd have her back any day, he'd break faces if anyone was giving her a hard time, hell, he would go to the store and buy ~*~lady products~*~ if it came down to it. If they were any closer, it would get awkward, but she's got Shinjiro and he's got Chidori, so it doesn't really come into play.


Rank 9
Junpei thinks the world of Yukari, though he'd never say it. She's like the sister--the really hot sister, fff--he never had, and he appreciates that he can talk to her and tease her so freely without things getting awkward or creating any permanent damage. He respects her smarts and her dedication, and admires how tough she is for a girl, even though if he had his way, he'd be leader and all the girls on the team would wear nothing but Battle Panties. He would go to some pretty crazy lengths for her, after all the shit they've been through, and definitely expects the same in return.


Rank 8
He likes to tease Mitsuru mainly because he knows most of it will go sailing over her head, but he really does respect her incredible intellect and organizational skills, mainly because said skills have and continue to save his life on a regular basis. He just privately wishes she wasn't such a hardass and, y'know, didn't call the police because his room was a little messy. NO MORE EXECUTIONS, PLEASE. That said, even though Junpei is about as diametrically opposed from Mitsuru in terms of circumstances and outlook as humanly possible, he still understand that she puts a concentrated effort in pushing them to do and be their very best.


Rank 8
Ken's situation is...difficult. Complicated. Heartbreaking. And while Junpei would like to reach out, he doesn't know how, and he's pretty sure it's painfully obvious to everyone, including Ken himself. Even though Ken is a member of SEES, they never really connected on a personal level; that said, he can still appreciate the kid's strength and determination. He's happy to see the events of October 4th pan out with a happier resolution here in Johto, and Ken branching out and making his own friends.


Rank 8
As a member of SEES, Aigis is someone that Junpei cares about. He also thinks she's cool in an embarassing fanboyish sense, in that she is a robot who shoots bullets from her fingertips. She was designed with Shadow-hunting in mind, so he has tons of respect for her skills, and he obviously doesn't see her as nothing but a 'robot'--she's far too unique for that. She can feel emotions just like a regular human, and even she still comes off a bit awkward, he appreciates the tremendous headway she's made in the last few months since he met her.


Rank 7
Once upon a time, Shinjiro-sempai was beyond terrifying. Now he's just...vaguely terrifying. That said, having Shinjiro back in Johto is really great, since he's getting to know the guy better (Shinjiro is endlessly fun to tease) not to mention enjoy his delicious cooking more often. He is the owner of the most motherfucking kawaii desu Gible ever, and the scariest Dusknoir on the continent.

*cr chart, !ooc

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