Brian LynchSlayAlive VIP
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Re: Spike: Ongoing Series (Early Discussion)
« Reply #618 Yesterday at 8:41pm »I had a long long series of stories planned out, but alas, I'm just gonna have to tell the best one. Which is okay, right? Disappointing in way, but at least we go out with the biggest bang we can. Yes, it's canon, yes, it matters, and yes, it's the best SPIKE story I've told. And Franco's art has never been more beautiful.
And about the name...I think we should change it, too. I asked Chris and Mariah, and they agreed, so I think around issue three, there's gonna be a sweet little addition.
It's a sad week, but Shakespeare said it best when he wrote "from sad weeks come great stories". Not WILLIAM Shakespeare, my frat brother Terrence Shakespeare. Man was he eloquent AND could shotgun a beer in record time.
SOURCE Brian LynchSlayAlive VIP
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Re: Spike - Issue 1
« Reply #29 Today at 4:54pm »I just read the completed SPIKE 1. Sent some notes in, but MAN, easily my favorite Franco/Me SPIKE tale thus far. I hope you guys like it. Remember to make sure your comic store knows you want it! And issue 2, too!
I think everyone will fall in love with Beck a little, and fall in love with Spike even more. And then there's George, who is a lovely sidekick.