
Jul 09, 2009 18:03

It's a beautiful night outside. The sun is setting, the breeze is breezing, and the forest is ... doing forest things. Which, in the case of this forest, means creaking ominously and occasionally spewing forth fliers which bear the heading: COMMUNISM NOW! and tiny but proportionally perfect drawings of marmots ( Read more... )

suspects, event posts

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not_lugosi June 27 2009, 17:35:00 UTC
Sometimes Bela likes to get outside for a bit when she arrives at Milliways. The weather is much more wintry at home by now, so stepping out into summer again is a treat, especially since she's in a foul mood. She slips off her leather jacket and walks down to the lake.

Other people are out tonight. Shadowy figures wander the landscape. She's not surprised. It's a gorgeous night.

But she's glad she has her gun. Just in case. There are those creepy ass demon rabbits out here, after all. She'd be stupid to holster it.


try_corsets July 4 2009, 20:18:30 UTC
One of the other people out tonight is Captain Elizabeth Turner. She has been out for quite awhile, ever since the smoky air and noise of the bar became intolerable. As is her habit, she first checked the inlet for her husband's ship and was disappointed not to find it waiting; but rather than linger she promptly took an abrupt turn into the forest.

When she exits, her mood has not improved much. Elizabeth stalks down to the water's edge and takes a deep breath, exhaling sharply. Then, as if making the unwelcome decision to acknowledge any other presence but her own, she turns to Bela and gives a slight nod.

"Good evening."

Her proper tone is at odds with her unmistakable pirate garb.


not_lugosi July 4 2009, 20:28:52 UTC
"What's good about it?" she says, staring out over the water. She hasn't found any of these so-called demon rabbits yet. She'd very much like to kill something demonic about now.

Her eyes slide over to glance at Elizabeth. Huh. A pirate? A female pirate? With her luck, she's just some socialite who's been stuck in a costume by a trick of the bar.


try_corsets July 5 2009, 02:00:15 UTC
A slight smile curves Elizabeth's lips as she glances back at the water.

"Precisely nothing," she admits, lifting her chin. "Politeness and accuracy rarely go hand in hand."

Her gaze flicks back to Bela.

"I've often thought most casual conversation would be greatly improved if they did."


not_lugosi July 5 2009, 02:06:50 UTC
She can't hide the faint smile that comes to her lips.

"You got that right. I'm not in the mood to hold back. I've had a shit day."

The other woman sounds a little more like a lady than a pirate, but there's something about her that's authentic.


try_corsets July 5 2009, 02:24:18 UTC
She looks as if she knows how to use the sword at her side and has on more than one occasion, if the weathered look of the hilt and scabbard is any indication. Her hair and clothing is stiff with salt, and as she takes a few steps closer to Bela, the scent of the sea seems to drift along with her.

Yes, she's definitely for real. Even if she sounds like she'd be at home having tea in a London drawing room.

The phrasing prompts Elizabeth to arch an eyebrow, but it's the only reaction she allows.

"Mine has likewise been displeasing." Her eyes narrow slightly as she adds, very deliberately, "Absolute shit."


not_lugosi July 5 2009, 02:48:40 UTC
Bela looks like she could be having tea in a London drawing room, as well, what with her stylish outfit and posh accent. Her gun gives her away, though.

"I could drown my sorrows inside, but I'd really rather blow something demonic into smithereens. I hear there are just such creatures out here. Rabbits?"

Which is so weird, but this is Milliways.


try_corsets July 6 2009, 00:27:35 UTC
"Bunnies," Elizabeth supplies, quirking a smile. "Utterly ridiculous, of course, but no less strange than accepting refreshments from what I'd call a filthy bilge rat."

Captain Turner dislikes the wait rats. It's probably mutual.

"Do you often find enjoyment in assaulting demonic," a wave of her hand, "entities?"

There's no disbelief or mockery in her voice. Elizabeth has seen enough not to question the idea.


not_lugosi July 6 2009, 00:43:00 UTC
"On my world, it's a lot more difficult than going out with a gun in hand. I hate demons and all the havoc they cause."

She huffs a sigh. "So if I'm stuck with demon bunnies, it's better than nothing."


try_corsets July 6 2009, 01:28:22 UTC
Dryly: "Small victories can lead to more significant ones."

Elizabeth pulls a pistol from the sash at her waist and inspects the frizzen before lowering it, keeping her arm straight at her side.

"I myself have been plagued by heathen gods, a kraken and the undead, but have not yet come across a true demon."

Davy Jones should count, she feels, though he probably doesn't.


not_lugosi July 6 2009, 01:49:03 UTC
"I hope you never do. Should you run across a brunette in stylish clothes whose eyes flash red, run the other way. Not that I don't think you can handle yourself. But I'd rather take a crack at the kraken or the undead. Any day. You can fight them. It's not like that with-"

She shakes her head.

"Fuck. Listen to me go on and on. I'm usually not- Like I said. Shit day."


try_corsets July 6 2009, 02:08:18 UTC
There's something in the other girl's voice and the way she holds herself that Elizabeth thinks she might recognize. It reminds her of the days she spent trapped here, alone with the knowledge of what she'd done to Jack.

Except for Jack, of course. And that redhead.

Elizabeth nods once, in understanding. "Captain Elizabeth Turner," she offers at last, "of the Empress. I have my husband's still-beating heart locked safe in a chest." A sharp click echoes around them as she cocks her pistol. "Care for company blowing demonic bunnies to smithereens?"

Her teeth flash white in the darkness.


not_lugosi July 6 2009, 02:21:07 UTC
"Why not? It looks like you'd be a capable guide to the wilds of Milliways at the very least. I'm Bela Talbot, procurer of rare and valuable items, both magical and mundane. But mostly magical."

How cool. A female pirate. She hasn't said so, but she's a captain and she has a chest. How could she not be?

"Still-beating heart in a chest, eh? Curse or spell or is he a new kind of undead I've never heard of?"


try_corsets July 6 2009, 02:38:17 UTC
She also has the requisite hat, though she's not wearing it at the moment.

"A curse of sorts. A charge. He's the captain of the Flying Dutchman," Elizabeth explains, scanning the shore nearer the tree line. "Unable to set foot on land for ten years. You might see the ship here, one day."

Said with a gesture at the Caribbean inlet.

"Rare, magical items of value? That's interesting."

She means it. She's also not going to explain further about the heart.

Tia Dalma's effects, however...

Elizabeth looks thoughtful.


not_lugosi July 6 2009, 02:57:13 UTC

"That must put a crimp on, well, everything."

She hasn't heard of a curse like that, but she's heard of plenty of others.

"Yeah, it's interesting. And mostly illegal, but it keeps things exciting."


try_corsets July 6 2009, 03:19:38 UTC
"Not as much as it might have. We meet here when we can."

Starting to walk, she glances at Bela.

"I'm a pirate," Elizabeth smirks. "I might be able to procure some such items, for a price."


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