The Lovecats, Chapter Seven

Jan 05, 2006 17:15


Disclaimer: As Jessie and Becca as my witnesses, I swear that I do not own anything in this story aside from Starr and any other characters that aren't real in this story...


Chapter Seven:
The Perfect Girl

Girlfriends. We all have one or attempt to have one. And Starr was my attempt. And things went too fast for me. Needless to say, I fucked up a little.


That Monday, Adam ran up to Jade and hissed in Jade's ear, "Did Davey get laid?"

"What?!" Jade yelled, nearly smacking Adam with his backpack.

"Some freshman... Starr sure makes it sound that way," Adam said, "Dude, aren't you guys BFFs? Davey doesn't even seem like that..."

"Mrs. Marchand's pissed at me because Davey got drunk under my supervision," Jade explained, "I haven't talked to him since Friday."

"...oh," Adam said, "You gotta talk to him. Please."

" can I?"

"There's obviously something wrong here. Why would a kid that just got molested get into a sexual relationship?"

"Maybe because he's got nothing to lose," Jade murmered.

Adam shrugged. "I don't like that. You need to find out if they're doing anything, and stop it."

Jade agreed. "Definetly."


Davey sat in homeroom, Starr walking over. She sat next to him, kissing his cheek. Davey fiddled his fingers nervously. "Starr..."

Starr began to massage Davey's shoulder. "...Starr!"

"What?!" she yelled.

"...not in public," he whispered.

"You let Jade hit on you," she argued.

"He didn't," Davey countered, "He and me... expiermented."

"Expiermented?!" she screamed, "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard!"

"It wasn't for me..." Davey whispered, "You... you aren't that nice when you're being a girlfriend..."

"Well, you're an asshole," she snapped.

"Why?" Davey asked.

"You're going out with me when you're clearly queer."

"No, I-"

"You love Jade," she hissed, "I can see it in your eyes. Don't deny it. You're a pussy, plain and simple. So get out of here and go find your true love... if you believe in that type of stuff."

The bell rang and she left. Davey waited until she left the room to leave to his next class.


During lunch, Davey tried to sit at an empty table. While gremlins grabbed the chairs around him he cried a little. He never felt so stupid. He lost his first girlfriend after one weekend.

He heard something slam next to him. Davey turned his head. "...Jade!"

Jade looked down at him. "Okay, Davey, I don't give a fuck what your mom said..."

"...she's over it," Davey mumbled, "She knows it was my fault."

"...So?" Jade asked.

"Starr was allowed to come over... well my mom understand. She knows it's my fault. I'm not allowed to go to the parties anymore."

Jade nodded. "So... how is... Starr?"

"What?" Davey asked.

"Did you two have sex?"

"...No! No, Jade."

Jade breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh my God... thank you so much..."

"Yeah... we broke up."

Jade hid his smile. "...well... are you okay?"

"Yeah," Davey said, "Apparently I don't love her."

"Well... who do you love?" Jade asked.

Davey blushed, "You're going to hate this... you."

Jade smiled, sitting next to him. "Now why would I? I don't mind."


"I hope you don't mind being a rebound," Davey whispered into Jade's shirt.

"Why would I mind?" Jade asked, "I get the pretty boy in the end."

Davey straddled his legs across Jade. He tangled his toes in the bedsheets and closed his eyes. "Starr and I never did this," he mumbled. He nuzzled Jade. "I like it."

"You should," Jade said, rubbing his hair, "I don't think Starr was very cuddly."

"No," Davey whispered. He yawned. "Another nice thing is that you don't grab my crotch."

Jade laughed, "No, no, no... I got my own, remember?"

Davey fingered his hair. "You got any peroxide?"

"What... why?" Jade yelled.

"I'm just going to change my look a little," Davey explained, "I won't be 'Davey the kid that got molested and went out with a girl for a weekend.' I'll be 'Davey the Punk Rock lover of Jade.'"

"'Punk Rock Lover of Jade', eh?" Jade asked, laughing.

"Yeha... sure," Davey grumbled. He rolled off Jade and unlocked the door. He walked into the bathroom. Jade leaned over him and pulled out a bottle of peroxide. He signed. "You're positive you want to do this?"

"Hair grows back, sweetheart," Davey said confidently.

Jade signed. He got a towel and wrapped it around Davey's neck. "I'll do the back, you do the front?"

"Sure," Davey replied.

Jade dabbed some peroxide on the tips. Davey worked the front. Before they knew it he was a full-fledged blonde.

"Do you want to do your eyebrows?" Jade asked.

"Me? Nah," Davey said. He took the peroxide and a brush. He dropped it. Jade went to pick it up and Davey tipped some peroxide in his hair. Jade screamed. "NO! YOU BASTARD!"

Davey cackaled. He stopped short. "I like it."

Jade stared blankly at his mirror. "I guess."

"You just need a more appropriate cut," Davey suggested.

"Sorry, sweetheart, I think I'm buying some black hair dye," Jade said.

Davey shrugged. "You'll realize it was hot someday."


Davey opened the door to his house. He yelled a cheerful, "I'M HOME!" Penny walked over. She screamed. "Your hair!"

"Yeah. Starr dumped," Davey said, "Don't kill me. I just wanted to start a new leaf."

She nodded. "You've been through a lot..."

"Yeah," Davey said, "We weren't meant to be."

"At least you didn't get in too deep and in a loveless realtionship," Penny said, "Don't jump into a new one too quickly now."

"Yes, Mommy," Davey said, signing. This was the confusing part. Should he tell her now that he was with Jade, or never? He decided on the latter.

Davey went into his room and fell on his bed, squealing. His mother would probably never look at him right again, but hey, he was happy and at that moment, no one could take it away.

the lovecats, afi, javey

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