Sidewalks, Chapter Two, Javey, R-Rating

Feb 21, 2005 13:28

Title: Sidewalks
Author: Donna
Summary: Remember when we were both so beautiful? But since then we lost our glow. ~Boy Who Deystroyed the World
Pairings: Javey
Rating: R for content
Warnings: AIDS, STDS, Person's Death, RPS, ect
Disclaimer: I do not own these people. I am not these people. I do not wish that this will happen to either of the men in this, or any of the characters that are in the whole story. Yes.

Chapter Two: Results are Deadly

After a week, Davey felt better. He went back to the studio to record his vocals, leaving his cellphone on the whole time to get results from the tests.

His phone went off when he was singing, the polyphonic sound of "Boys Don't Cry" filling up the room that the other boys were hanging out in. Adam picked it up and tapped on the plexiglass, mouthing, "It's the doctor's!"

Davey left the recording room and Vig called a break. Davey picked up the phone, asking, "Hello?"

"Hello, Mr. Havok?" a nurse asked.

"Yes, Davey replied, awkwardly chipper.

"Your blood results came in... uh... are you alone?"

Davey slipped into the broom closet. "Yes? What is it?"

"Mr. Havok, I'm sorry, but your tests appeared possitive for the HIV virius... and it has become AIDS. It is the reasoning behind your long illness."


We're sorry. We do havea specialist at an office not too far away and conculors..."

Davey wanted to shut off the phone.

"Mr. Havok, you will need a follow-up exam... and..."

It was a blur. She rambled of how he should be aware of "body fluids" and such... the Reader's Digest version of care for an HIV/AIDS patient.

"Okay... okay... bye..." Davey whispered.

He hung up the phone, biting his lip. He got out of the closet. He swallowed and resisted crying. He returned to the studio.

"How'd it go?" Hunter asked.

Davey masked his shock. "Fine."

Can I tell them? he asked himself.

"Really?" Adam asked, catching the wiff of fear in Davey.

"Well... I... uhm..."

"Dave?" Jade asked, getting up from the couch he was sitting in. Vig joined him. "What...?"

Davey spat it out. They had to know to protect themselves. "I got... AIDS... somehow... I don't know how to... oh God..."

Out of impulse, Hunter backed away. "No! Not you! No!"

"AIDS is what prositutes get!" Adam yelled, laughing weakly, "Not you... you're not.... no..."

Vig spoke. "Davey, no way... there has to be a mistake..."

"Nope," Davey whispered. "The doctors told me."

"How... how did you get it?" Jade asked.

"I don't know," Davey replied. "Oh God... did anyone touch my blood? Anytime? Anyway?"
"...I got a blood test a month ago and I was clean..." Adam whispered.

"What are we supposed to do?" Hunter asked, looking suspiciously at anything he thought Davey touched. He knew that he couldn't get it through that, but he was beginning to get very scared.

No! Hunter thought, This is my friend.

Davey noted how everyone was far away from him. "Are you scared?"

"Davey, we're not," Jade said, confidently. He walked up to him. He fingered through Davey's hair. "You're still Davey. And you're still our vocal. So--"

Jade stopped mid-stroak and placed his hand down.

"W-what?" Davey asked, his voice getting high.

Jade pulled a lock of hair back. "It's a sore... it's really painful looking... Davey, can you feel it?"

Davey pulled his hand to his head. "Oh God! Uh... oh God! Jade! Did you touch it?"

Jade shook his head. "No. I'll wash my hand just in case. C'mon, we'll get a Band-Aid and everything.

Adam moved closer, concerned about his friend, but Hunter backed farther away.

Vig didn't move. He stayed neutral.

Davey and Jade were quick, the Band-Aid barely able to be scene through Davey's head of hair. Jade looked at him. "Go back and wash your face, okay?"

Davey nodded, leaving.

Jade's eyes became cold, turning to the three men in the room. "What are you doing?! It's not like he got a bug."

"He's got AIDS, Jade," Vig whispered.

"What difference does it make?" Jade yelled.

"I don't think you get it!" Hunter argued, "We're going to fall apart! Remember Queen?"

"Davey will be fine," Jade convinced (or tried to).

Adam shook his head. "No. He won't. I know what happens. Meds will kill him. He'll get so sick. He'll not be human anymore..."

"But how did he get it?" Vig asked.

"Maybe from a tattoo?" Hunter asked.

"Maybe," Jade said quietly. "Or a blood transfusion... but he hasn't had any.... and he doesn't have anything like sex... currently..."

"My God, this is obscene," Davey said, coming into the room. "You're all scared of me."

"You heard?" Adam asked.

"Of course," Davey whispered.

"What can we do?" Jade asked.

"Get home," Vig grumbled. "We were ahead anyway."

"Thank you," the bandmates said in unison.


Davey went to the bathroom when they got hime. It was just as well, he needed to be alone. If a linolium cell had to do it, so be it.

Hunter went in when he was done. Paranoia set in and he started to spray Lysol all over the place. He bit his lip, feeling the guilt of his deed[1].

Davey heard the whole thing. He sighed. Hunter was not going to get used to it. He walked to the couch, sitting next to Adam. Adam gulped, aprehensive to get closer to him. Hell, he was nervous sitting next to him to begin with. But why? He never handled Davey's blood as far as he knew of, and he surely didn't do anything else to get HIV with Davey.

But why sweet, innocent Davey?

Why not the prositute on the street?

Davey covered his head.

It wasn't why not it was who didn't have this disease.

Adam couldn't take it and got up. He was a coward.

Jade caught him. "What was that?"

"What, Jade?!" Adam yelled, "What should I do?! He's going to die! AFI's going to die!"

"AFI won't die," Jade said, quiet.

"Yes it will, you know it Jade! You know it!" Adam exclaimed, his face red. He was as close to tears as a manly-man like him could be.

They heard a clunk.

Jade ran into the room Davey was. Davey laid on the rug, crying.

He's crying! Body Fluids! Adam thought[2].

Jade ran over, picking him up, and putting him into his lap.

Davey cursed and swore as he dried his tears. He looked up at Jade with wide and horrified eyes.

"You didn't get hurt, did you?" Jade asked.

Davey shook his head. "I'm okay."

"I'm sorry, Davey!" Adam yelled, "I don't mean to be scared like this!"

Davey stared at him. "I know you don't mean to."

Adam felt so terrible for his actions. "Davey... I..."

"No need to get closer," Davey whispered.

Adam gulped. "Davey, I'm really trying... I want to help you... but..."

"You don't want to get HIV. It's fine," Davey finished.

"No! No, I..." Adam started.

Davey shook his head. "I understand. I really do. You can't help me if there's no cure, right?"

Adam gulped. "The doctors... if we try and help they can find a cure!"

"They're not finding a cure anytime soon!" Davey argued.

Jade pulled back. "Davey..."

"It's hopeless," Davey said quietly, "and I know you all are worried about the band. I guess it's fair. It's quite a dispicable way to end like this, but I guess we'll have to."

"But how did you get this?" Adam finally asked.

Davey became quiet.

Jade nodded. "No need to say anything."

Adam wanted to yell, "WHAT?! DAVEY! YOU ASS!" but he knew better than to.

"Davey," Jade said, bringing him up. "Let's go and eat something."

******************Three Months Later*******************

"Mr. Havok," the interviewer said, "Your CD is doing exceptional! We heard you had a bought with an unknown illness. Did you ever find out what it was?"

"Nope... but I don't care! I'm better now!" the interviewee lied.

The members agreed that they would reveal the AIDS to the public after the CD slightly died. They didn't want people to think it was a publicity stunt, even though it was as real as anything.

Davey questioned the length of the facade he had until then. He really felt dreadful sometimes. The medication helped and killed himi. There were good days and bad days. These bad days got to him, and pressure of the upcoming tour did not help. Like acne, sores would appear, and he'd have to cover them, simply because he couldn't risk spread of the disease.

"May I ask why you have a Band-Aid on your neck?" asked the interviewer.

"Uh... scratch..."


The interview ended and he left the oh-so-classic Starbucks. He got into his car and allowed himself to get somewhat comfortable. His phone rang on cue, being none other than his mother. He picked the phone up from its perch in the charger like he did a million and one times before.

"Hello, Mom."

"Hey, hun, you okay? You know you got your first self-help groupd, right?"

"Yes, yes, I know."

"Okay, just reminding you!"

"Thanks, Mom, I love you."


[1]= Hunter's actions didn't help at all. AIDS can not be contracted from toliet seats, or touching anything, with the exception of blood, semen, and such.

[2]= There is, in fact, traces of HIV found in tears and saliva, but there is not enough to contract the disease.


Please leave a comment, I love you forever.

Here's a fact: The next chapter is one of my favorites. So I'm going to jump on it.

Rock On,


sidewalks, afi, javey

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