So, a few people thought a post explaining a little on my process would be interesting. I do plan to one day pull it all together in a nice nonfiction book, but this will have to do for now.
When I posted my comment at
Stephen Leigh that my planning is a 10+ on the organized scale, I meant it. But it's something of a different kind of "
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Comments 5
You're one up on me. I just put pen to paper and push off. I never know where I'm going until i get there. My characters tell me what's going on - otherwise I don't have a clue. And I don't really outline. I talked a little about that today on my blog: I write completely out of order, so plotting and outlining is damned near impossible. lol
Now if I could just figure out a way to make the revising easier
That's my second favorite part! ;)
I'm the person who asked for the link during #writechat, @nordette_verite
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