Where did January go?

Feb 08, 2007 16:33

[ aidan_mutou and joey_wheeler play catch-up by e-mail. Backdated to Jan 24 through 27th. ]


On 1/24/07, Aidan Mutou wrote:


It seems like it's been much longer than a week and a half since I saw you at the Isaac Center. I don't know who is stealing the days in this month, but they need to stop.

Anyway, how is everything? I've been thinking about your comment on LJ, about Claire, and about your kids in general... which is why I'm finally forcing myself to take the time to write this.

I haven't had reason to mention it, but... I have been -- and will be for the next five months -- working on a book. Most of it is written, but I insisted on writing the introduction to each chapter. (I plead temporary insanity.) Needless to say it's consuming far more of my time than I really want it to and, on top of that, I'm heading to Japan for a week in February.

Point being, I'm not going to have much time to meet with your kids. And that's no way to build trust, I realize, and I apologize. Things should settle down come March; assuming I've re-established a routine by then. In the meantime, email distraction is periodically welcome.



On 1/25/07, Joey Wheeler wrote:

You got a knack for answering my questions right before I ask 'em, Aidan, s'funny that way. It's good to hear from you, I was just kinda wondering actually, what you've been up to. Not in a nagging way, just curious. What's the book about? I dunno how your type does that, books, that is. Seems like an awful long time to keep spelling out one opinion on the topic. I mean, I appreciate the finished result, don't get me wrong - I just can't figure how you can handle the process. Credit to you for it, then.

Claire's doing well - on top of almost everybody else I know, giving me a hard time about my damn birthday. >_> Don't you start now too. ;D So I'm gonna see her soon so she can give me...whateverthehell it was she's got planned. Probably'll be a real good visit and push that article straight outta my worry zone. I saved a copy of the thing, so it'll be around for us to peer at later, once you've got the time again. There isn' really a rush till then; I don't know what you mean about trust, though. If we'd set up some kinda schedule and you were breaking that, sure, it'd be different. But we didn't, so, don't worry. We'll get it together when it's meant to be got together.

...Who the heck do you know in Japan?



On 1/25/07, Aidan Mutou wrote:

Up until a couple of months ago, I would have taken offense at being lumped in with that "type" that writes books. I still insist that I'm not actually writing it -- it's a collection of myths. I'm just doing the introduction and thematic pointers for readers. If I actually had to write the whole thing from scratch...?

... that's just not my thing.

Thanks, though. I've already had moments where I've been almost regretting it (more because it means being tied down, not because of the actual work involved), but it will be worth it.

Happy Birthday. I'll say no more. Hope you have a good one, though.

About trust: that may be a case of projected fears on my part. January does that to me. I appreciate the reassurance and knowing that the offer still stands.

Do I have to know someone there to go there, really?



On 1/26/07, Joey Wheeler wrote:


Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday with this; I got kidnapped around four, had to leave work early and everything, and didn't get back to the computer all night.

Thematic pointers - like signposts, so people don't miss stuff? Are they all about different myths, or groups of 'em on a few things, or what?

"means being tied down" -- you don't like staying still, do you? Yugi's only briefly mentioned the situation, just the part with you being down here on your own let him have a place to stay, and all. D'you make a habit of moving around that much? Cause if you do, you better warn us all now, so when you pick up and hop town it's not as bad a shock.

January's an ugly month all around. Sorry to hear yours's worse. Lemme know if I can do anything, kay?

And...Japan....point. Heh. Make sure you put somethin' up in your journal about it, or somehow record it somewhere I can see it. I've never been able to travel around as much's I wanna, so I'm gonna ask you to let me imagine through you, kay?



On 1/26/07, Aidan Mutou wrote:


I take it the kidnapping was the pleasant kind, or at least left you no worse for wear....

"Signposts" -- yes, that's a good metaphor. It makes it easier for people to see what you have to say about the myths if you at least point them in the right direction. They're all myths on the same subject, collected around North America. ... Perhaps that makes it sound like I'm avoiding mentioning the true subject. (Perhaps I am. Writer's superstition? I've always maintained I'm not a writer....)

The myths don't just come to me; I have to hunt them down. Being tied down, whether by a lease or a job or other commitment (console) makes it difficult to just up and go when I need to. As I have reassured Yugi, though, I don't intend to leave Manhattan for at least another six or eight months. Even then, I wouldn't leave permanently (for various reasons...), but rather, travel and return.

... who is the "us all" I should be warning?

Thanks for the offer. There's just... stuff... I need to work through.

I was just giving you a hard time, you know. Grandpa's Japanese-American. We're going to visit friends of his. You'll definitely hear about the trip, don't worry. And there will be pictures, as much as I'm allowed. It's not just a pleasure trip: I'm going myth-hunting, and hope to publish them when I get back (...and after the book is done).



On 1/26/07, Joey Wheeler wrote:

About the kidnapping - I'll admit 'm exaggerating a tad. Actually it was by Seto, so it was all fun and games. Took me to see my birthday present...that man doesn't know the meaning of a lotta words, one of them 'little'. Eh. It's a really -GOOD- present, but...kinda grand, too. You wanna see it, head over to east 49th and Linden, and look for his touch. Won't be easy to miss.

Hey, you've gotta be a writer. I mean, even if it's not your primary function - more a storyteller or bard or reteller or something? But you are writing things down, so even just as a function, it fits. I get your point though; guess I'll just hafta wait to see it come out, yeah? It's cool, I don't mind. I won't even ask you to do that annoying sign-my-copy thing.

The us-all? Sheesh, man, do you need to ask? Me, Seto, at least. Claire, even. And your brother's implicit. I'm not saying like you owe us anything, just...s'good to know when a friend starts wandering around, yanno? Just so we wouldn't get a nasty surprise trying to call you and getting a dead line or something. That's all I meant.

I hope you get it worked out, then...I get it, really. I...yanno how you make offers, or say stuff, that you know the other person's not gonna take you up on, but you say it anyway, and it's not actually an empty offer even though you know you could get away with it being one cause it'll never get took up, or can't be? ...Yeah. That's all it was. *shrug* Just...so you know. I'd have your back if I could.

Japan: Hey, wait, that makes sense. Somehow I feel like I really shoulda figured that one out easier...I mean. It's not like it doesn't show in your faces at all, yanno? ...That sounds really dumb. I just mean I coulda figured it out if I'd actually, like, consciously realized what you look like.

...This hole is getting deeper and deeper. Oops.

...Good luck myth-hunting!?



On 1/26/07, Aidan Mutou wrote:

Now I'm curious. I'll have to check it out sometime.

Self-definition is one of those things we all struggle with, right? I've resisted the "writer" label for a long time, for various reasons. Probably comes back to that pinning me down thing again. I'm more of an archiver, as I see it. The stories are what's important, not me. I'd sign your copy anyway, Joey, if you wanted. For a friend, that wouldn't be even a slight nuisance.

Ah, see, I was taking it as a larger group than I knew about. You would hear, of course. The same goes for Seto. And I would assume you'd let Claire know if I didn't have the chance to. If my cell number is ever *dead* (not in service, as opposed to temporarily unreachable), there would be more of a problem than me simply wandering. It's... strange, I suppose. This is the first time in years my life many years that I've had connections like this. People in my life other than Yugi and Grandpa. It's not a bad thing, it's just... taking some getting used to.

Thank you, Joey. I hear what you're offering, and I do appreciate it. When life slows down again, we should get together for lunch or coffee or something and just chat.

Mutou. Not exactly a common name in the States. ^_~ (I'm not offended. Just amused. Most people peg us as Asian off the bat, not realizing there's more to it than that.)

Thanks, I'm really looking forward to it.



On 1/26/07, Joey Wheeler wrote:

Remember to catch your jaw when you do. Heh.

The stories are what's important, not me

...Heh. Change one word there, and you'd have my words. Actually, it even fits that way without any tweaking...I just...listen, 'stead of writing things down. Huh. But...Yeah. That kinda thinking calls to mind words like 'witness' and then I have the same kinda squirmy "not the right word dammit!" that you're having so...yeah, I get it.

Well I was only listing the ones I'm aware of myself, yanno? I'm not presumin' to know your whole social life and shit. But I do think it's a safe assumption that there -is- a bigger loop that'd be bereaved than just me and Seto and shit. (Tris, too, forgot him!) You make a splash. Kinda like...I dunno. Shamu. Skinnier. But a whole lotta people would miss being able to complain about gettin' splashed, if that makes sense.

...Complain makes it sound bad. I mean - readjusting peoples' views isn't ever convenient for the people themselves, but I just have this feeling - I mean, I haven't seen a lot of your finished work but I've seen a lotta your brainstorming in your journal, right? So I have this sense that you tend to splash people. ...Eh, ask me to explain more if I'm still not making sense.

...Okay, I, yeah. Coulda really thought about the last name. I -- I think I'm raceblind, though, or at least real close to it, cause this kinda thing happens a lot (not noticing when somebody's got a really Jewish last name, or something). Except when I'm working and trying to dissect some kinda situation or CSI-like figuring out motivations, I remember the racial influence...I'm weird. I think it's cause then it's not...the person's not the focus then, the problem is; and the rest of the time when the person's the focus the problems (or, er, differences, race isn't a problem, oops) aren't?

...Dude, you make me do more hard thinking than anybody else I know. What the hell. XD

...I start too many paragraphs with ellipses. Your editor'd have a field day with me.

I'm lookin' forward to that coffee date, then. Gonna hold you to it.

Headed outta the office for the weekend now. You have a good night too, kay?



On 1/27/07, Aidan Mutou wrote:

Witness -- yes. The power of that... forget the religious crap that gets associated to it. It's a beautiful thing to be allowed to truly witness a life, or a story. It's an act of acknowledging the inherent worth of a thing -- and I should save the dissertation for a paper, or something.

There's no such thing as a "safe" assumption. I appreciate the... vote of confidence? endorsement? I'm not sure what the right word is. But my circle of influence is not so large as you might imagine. Or rather, a stone thrown in a pond is not aware of where the ripples it makes hit the shore. Doesn't mean the ripples don't exist, but they're in the eyes of the beholder, not the stone. Which... probably makes it sound like I'm agreeing with you, but at right angles.

(I think I need another coffee...)

... I'm glad you clarified the "skinnier" bit. Really. Maybe a little on the short side, too, hmm?

That reminds me -- not the whale, the "finished work" comment -- did you ever get a chance to read the article I wrote about the Blue Eyes White Dragon myths? I know I meant to send a copy of Traditions to your sister, but I... may have failed on that count. Let me know, and I'll make sure you get a copy, if you want.

Your explanation about racial blindness makes sense. To a certain degree, I wish it was a teachable trait.

I make you think hard? What kind of conversations do you have with Seto, then? ... Should I apologize? I can't offer to talk sports with you instead... the Leafs aren't worth talking about, not that I even follow hockey.

I'll make a note of it, but we're probably going to have to remind each other a few times before it happens. How's the first weekend in March look for you?



On 1/27/07, Joey Wheeler wrote:

Heh, or at least our princess talk. Which'd go well over coffee, yeah? March looks good so far just cause my schedule doesn't fill that far ahead. So I'll putcha down so long as you know I might hafta lift you back up again if something comes up (and I mean that in the legit way, not the passing-this-off-with-an-excuse way).

Well, okay, you got a point. Sorry for assumin'. I guess I assumed you'd be able to see your ripples, but again, probably thinking too much on you to expect that. (No offense.)

(Have ya had one yet? Shouldn't be up that early on a Saturday, man. Unnatural.)

No, I didn't get a chance to see that, though I feel like I knew about it from more than just Red already. I'd like to see it, if you've got a spare layin' round.

If that was a teachable trait they'd overdo it and fuck it up someway. ...Sorry, not too charitable bout the schools recently. Currently buttin' heads with dogmatic special ed teachers over shit I can't believe I'm being made to waste time writin' formal letters about. (So the hell -what- if so-and-so's kid won't stop wringing his hands, this isn't a reason to shunt the bastard off into a box and drip him meds, this's maybe a clue you oughta sit down to him and TALK to him, you dumbass green miss classroom.) Ugh.

Seto? Hah. I tend to break his brain more often'n not. It's a weird sight, you'd probably like seein' it. And naw, don't bother to apologize. I didn't ask you to quit, did I?

Yeah, well I'll see ya then, and if we miss the first weekend we can aim for the second, right? Whoever remembers to email first when March is comin' up deserves a cookie, or an espresso bean. Heh.


aidan, joey

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