it's falling away [morgana/morgause]

Apr 19, 2012 23:19

title: It's Falling Away
rating: PG
fandom/pairing: BBC's Merlin. Morgana/Morgause.
spoilers/warnings: Morgause, and all the Morgana creys that followed. Incest.
summary: Breakage is so familiar to Morgana that Morgause's stability catches her by surprise.
words: 197
disclaimer: I do not own BBC's Merlin, or the Ting Tings' "Hands".
a/n: For the femslash100drabbletag prompt "Merlin: Morgana/Morgause - bruises."

She kisses Morgause, and doesn’t break her. Morgana isn’t sure she believes it, at first - because she’s always wanted, never quite so much as she does now, but she’s always wanted and it’s always ended up mangled; ruined in this way, or that way, and often times by her own hand.

It’s not that she’s any sort of monster, or that the harm she's ever done has been intentional. For the most part, all she’s ever wanted to do is what’s right. It’s only that she’s so used to losing what she loves, and seeing the very little that she’s desired torn away from her, that the novelty of Morgause startles Morgana.

She kisses Morgause, and doesn’t break her. If anything, it intensifies something within her sister - Morgause holds tighter, more bravely, one hand on Morgana’s hip and the other tangled in her hair; her kisses are fierce, fiery; they burn in ways nothing else ever has.

Afterwards, Morgause is of course tender, touches feathery soft and dark-bitten lips brushing murmurs against Morgana’s temple.

But when Morgana kisses her for that first time, Morgause isn’t destroyed by it. She’s made into something that is only more.

comm:femslash100, type:drabbles, merlin

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