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Jan 05, 2009 21:36

Haunting Update

It's midnight at the Dollsyhouse, and for those few residents who might be in the right place at the right time, something might seem amiss. Two phantasms can be seen walking the halls--the first may be seen exiting the Small Library, closing the door behind it. This door is now locked, and the Library and Floating Hallway impossible to access.

If followed, this phantasm can be seen to join another at the front door. They open the door as though it isn't locked at all, offering any who see a glimpse of the snowy island the house sits on. The door shuts behind them, too quickly for anyone to follow--and it is locked again, impossible to open.

Should anyone be watching out one of the southern windows, the pair can be seen surging off the edge of the island and into the open air, streaking towards one of the islands in the far distance. This island seems to be a bit bigger than the rest of them, or perhaps simply closer--it is the latter that proves to be true, as for the rest of the night, the island will slowly move closer and closer to the house.

night 005

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