the brave soul (Pam)

Feb 16, 2007 21:27

Title: the brave soul
Character/Pairings: Pam; Jim/Pam, Pam/Toby, Pam/Roy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,551
Spoilers: "Business School"
Summary: There are certain paintings she leaves out. She doesn't like looking at them; they feel like accidents more than anything else.
Author's Note: This last episode reminded me exactly why and how much I love a ( Read more... )

office: kelly kapoor, office: pam/roy, office: jim/pam, the office, office: jim halpert, office: pam beesly, fic: the office, fanfiction, office: toby flenderson, office: oscar martinez, office: oscar/gil, office: pam/toby, office: roy anderson

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Comments 68

alittlesting February 17 2007, 07:43:47 UTC
Okay, you? Are amazing. This totally makes my second night of insomnia totally worth it, to have this pop up on my friendslist.

Here are the many reasons why this rocked on so many levels:

1. THE AWAKENING. Augh! One of my absolute favorites, and it's so perfect for this and ohhh Pam.

Pam looks over to see Creed eyeing the painting with mild interest.

“Um, yeah,” she says awkwardly. She’s not sure whether she should be proud.

“Nice,” Creed declares, nodding slightly and shoving his hands into his pockets. “Now where’s this supposed to be, exactly?”


3. Pam's fake comissions for Jim! Grandma Schrute! OH MY HEART. I was marathoning some season 2 episodes earlier tonight with some friends, and even with "Michael's Birthday", it just...aside from the unrequited love thing, they used to be such good friends! And it's pretty much impossible for them to go back to that comforting, easy place now, with jinx and spontaneous dental hydroplosion and finishing each other's sentences, which is why this:

She wants to tell ( ... )


dollsome February 20 2007, 01:54:32 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. :D

it just...aside from the unrequited love thing, they used to be such good friends!

Gah, yes! That's so horribly heartbreaking to me. More than anything else, I just want them to reach a place eventually where they can be friends again. And, well, obviously they will, but the estrangement between them now is so realistic on the show and it just hurts my soul, dammit! But in such a good way.

(Also, YAY for The Awakening! It's one of my very favourites, too. :D)


cmonkatiekatie February 17 2007, 08:05:26 UTC
This is wonderful. So well written and kind of quiet and so essentially Pam.

The exchange between her and Jim just broke my heart into tiny pieces.

And this? This just cracked me up.

“Nice,” Creed declares, nodding slightly and shoving his hands into his pockets. “Now where’s this supposed to be, exactly?”


dollsome February 20 2007, 01:55:01 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :)


snoopypez February 17 2007, 08:09:43 UTC
Oh, sad. :( I feel bad for everyone involved in this.

Well, Oscar and Gil less so. ;P


dollsome February 20 2007, 01:57:18 UTC
Poor Pam. Her life is just so depressing. (But makes for fun angst-ridden and strangely cathartic writing experiences! Which is good, I guess.)

And, because I am lame, I am so giddy about Gil actually having lines on the show that I can't be the faintest bit angry at him for being, well, a jerk. I rationalize this with the fact that it was something Pam really, really needed to hear, and will more likely than not lead to Fancy New Beesly striking back.

. . . but I should probably mostly blame my strange, irrational love for Gil.

ANYWAY! Thanks for reading. :D You are awesome.


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dollsome February 20 2007, 02:02:07 UTC
Gaaah, thank you SO MUCH. Seriously, this is like perfect feedback and I am overwhelmed that you had so many lovely things to say. I feel compelled to blush and shuffle my feet abashedly and other stuff along those Toby-esque lines, hehe. :D

This episode just got me so emotional about Pam in general, to the point where I couldn't not sort out my feelings with epic rambly fanfic, so I'm just so glad and so flattered that all of this rang true to you.

In conclusion, yay! And thanks. Again. Times roughly a zillion.


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dollsome February 20 2007, 02:08:21 UTC
Yay, friends! :D I will definitely friend you back.

(YAY YOUR ICON. That has to be one of my favourite exchanges on this show ever. It's so amazing and disturbingly intimate.)


ms_moxie February 17 2007, 08:17:07 UTC
I haven't read this yet, but I'm praying it included Gil and Pam having a Will/Grace moment. Or at least eating chocolate together.


dollsome February 20 2007, 02:04:54 UTC
Aw, I'm sorry to disappoint! That would have probably been slightly more amusing to write, hehe.

Oscar and Angela are so my The Office Will & Grace. :D NOBODY CAN DENY THEIR LOVE...ish type thing.


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