Title: Office Strange Love (Or, How Dwight Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Angela)
Pairing/Characters: Dwight/Angela, with some Jim, Pam, and Creed for good measure. And also Mose.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,543
Spoilers: Spans from pre-series to "Performance Review"
Summary: The Jedi must not know love. Volunteer sheriff's deputies should be no
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Comments 49
This was seriously so amazing! This part had me laughing out loud: Jim is the Lord Voldemort to Dwight’s Harry Potter. But at least in Harry’s case, everyone acknowledges that the Dark Lord is evil, and doesn’t think he’s cool just because he can put calculators in Jell-o and make derogatory comments about beets.
Oh, Dwight.
I also really loved all of the sci-fi references, especially when he compared Angela to Starbuck.
Dwangela = ftw :D
And Dwangela totally = ftw. They are unspeakably awesome. The creepiness just adds to the allure.
And this is so much better than I would have hoped for. There are so many laugh out loud lines. All the Star Wars and Harry Potter and BSG stuff were hilarious. And Harry Conick, Jr! And Mose crying because he's a sensitive artist! Oh, man. I had to stop and collect myself a few times. Brava.
*deleted and reposted because I noticed I had a "you're" where a "your" belonged, and I'm crazy neurotic about stuff like that.
I'm happy you enjoyed it!
Also, props for being crazy neurotic about mixing up the "your/you're"s. All the cool kids are! ;-)
I also love that you threw a little Michael/Jan in there. I'll take any crumb of them I can get!
And, hee, Michael and Jan seem to have a way of sneaking into almost all of my Office fics. Oh, how I love them.
You know it's love when Dwight thinks Angela is hotter and BETTER than Starbuck.
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Thanks for reading and feedbacking! :D
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