Title: The Weight of Us
Characters/Pairing: Amy, Rory, River; Amy/Rory
Spoilers: through "Let's Kill Hitler"; set between "A Good Man Goes To War" and "Let's Kill Hitler"
Word Count: 4,662
Rating: PG
Summary: Amy Pond, and motherhood.
It’s not like on television or in the films, where they hand you the baby right away. )
Comments 116
This was just wonderful and skewed and shows all the emotions so beautifully. How does one go back to the kettle and the hospital when somewhere out there is a daughter that is yours but never really?
And where's my baby where's my baby.
Really. Just stunning.
“How do you turn a baby into a weapon?” Rory says, like he doesn’t want to but the words just fight their way out.
Really, that was just a perfect line because Rory, for all our fangirling is just the perfect Earth Human, who won't can't shouldn't look beyond, and can't won't will never fathom things that the rest of the universe will think and do. And you just capture it so well. Like he doesn't even understand how the words he's saying could be connected, but he knows they are and he just ( ... )
I have so many feelings about Amy these days its overwhelming and this brings about more feelings!
“What you are going to be,” she murmurs (Rory twitches in bed next to her; above her, the ceiling stays shut), “is very, very brave.”
Oh, Amy.
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