oh, the hazards of love

Feb 08, 2009 16:25

Apparently doing homework on a Sunday -- a.k.a. when I should -- is something that's just beyond me, even when it's fun. There I was, reading Northanger Abbey for my novel class, when I was randomly struck by the thought, 'Man, Felicity Jones would make a delightful Pippa!' Somehow this led to me abandoning reading for school and ... er, going ( Read more... )

icons, a great and terrible beauty

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Comments 24

yourmanuscript February 9 2009, 07:59:29 UTC
These are so pretty, oh my gosh! I'm taking icons 2 and 3 and the wallpaper, thank you! ♥ I'd never thought of Talulah as Anne before this- I quite like that idea, actually. :)


dollsome February 11 2009, 21:49:19 UTC
Aw, thank you! :D

I've always been sort of stuck on who to cast for Anne, but then this awesome video went for Talulah, and I really liked that!


lalumena February 9 2009, 10:50:00 UTC
Oh man, I really need to reread these books. And track down the final one! Because the bookstores here are stacked full with the Twilight series but no Libbra Bray. TRAGEDY. I have some memory of hearing they were going to cast Bonnie Wright?

Taking the wallpaper - I've been looking for a new one for some time now! So thank you. :)


dollsome February 11 2009, 21:50:07 UTC
YES YOU DO! Oh, gosh. The Sweet Far Thing was like ... I'm not sure I'm over it, and it's been over a year. GLORIOUS.

And I think the Bonnie Wright thing turned out to just be a rumour!


lalumena February 12 2009, 06:43:45 UTC
Oh dear, that sounds ominous...but I shall endeavour onwards towards getting it. The bookshops in NZ are oversupplied with Meyer and Meyer-related books (scary fan-info books about Rob Pattinson and Twilight tie-ins) and grievously undersupplied with Gaiman and Bray. It's a sad thing. LAMENTABLE.


dorychop February 9 2009, 23:02:52 UTC
OMG. Fantastic! At least your made something totally awesome with the time you were supposed to be spending on school :)


dollsome February 11 2009, 21:50:18 UTC
Hee, exactly! :D Thank you!


lovestories February 10 2009, 01:21:45 UTC
THIS POST = A++++++

I never end up taking AGATB icons because my brain has totally rejected RHW as Gemma (precious as she is, girl lacks the BITE, IMO. Her voice is so soft and delicate!), and Imogen Poots, while incredible and gorgeous, is a bit too doe-eyed and sparkly for my Fee, I think. BUT YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT FELICITY JONES AS PIPPA (♥♥♥), and I've always been remarkably fond of Talulah as Ann, despite the fact that she's not a blonde. ANYWAYS. THESE ARE REMARKABLY PRETTY!


dollsome February 11 2009, 21:51:52 UTC

Yeah, I really have no idea about casting, but then I found lots of really really pretty pictures of Rachel Hurd Wood, and so, while she doesn't really look like the Gemma in my head at all, I could not resist!

... I kind of fear this movie if it ever gets made. They had better treat it with utmost reverence, because IT NEEDS TO BE EXQUISITE AND PERFECT AND AMAZING, OKAY.


youreyesbetray February 11 2009, 11:46:04 UTC
Very pretty. I love it :)


dollsome February 11 2009, 21:52:02 UTC
Thank youuu! :)


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