Feb 16, 2011 15:16
I want another cat and I was looking in adoption at the local pounds and I heard from several people now that even if both cats are helped they will still spray. So its out of the question to adopt a male cat with Ratjes =( .
My mom suggested waiting till fall when the new litters come out and adopt another female kitten as a pet.
So I got to
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Anyway, there are cat litters through out the whole year and adopting an older cat can be rewarding too. You don't have to wait till fall, if you don't want to.
She says older males will do fine together as will older females. But if you put an older male cat with a female they will still get the urge to mate and spray your house. She keeps them apart.
The cat I had in mind is a male, and all the older females in 3 shelters I've been looking at do not tolerate other cats and that one I had my eye on was a social cat :/. Think I need to keep looking.
One shelter said it was your best bet with a younger cat to get it to socialize with my own cat then the older cats.
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