Jan, who I had lunch with everyday for the past week, borrowed Dae from Arvie. Because I am so totally NOT buying a Lati-Y, I borrowed her for one night (with Arvie's permission of course). I usually send my boys to bed at 10 or 11, but I love Dae's expressions so much that I let them stay up until much later. These are pictures from that night.
* Ceth is Ashe's best friend, who Dae considers a 'sissy'. That makes Ceth one too, by association, but he doesn't mind the title as much as Ashe does.
* Josh trains under Aahil alongside Hyesu, who is Maud(grown-up Dae's)'s boyfriend.
She doesn't mind his company as much as she does Ceth's.* Ceth is a veritable audiophile, but a frustrated guitarist. We discovered
Josh is much better at it, but have no idea where he picked up the skill.
* Much thanks to Arvie for the Lati-speak.
Dae: Teeynk yew foo da choocooowaayt.^_^
(Thank you for the chocolate.^_^)
Ceth: ...it was exactly where he left it. And then Ashe said--
Josh: --I'm going to bed.=_=
Ceth: Oh.
Dae: *rubs hands together* *v*
Ceth: Good night, niisan~!^_^/
Josh: ...Don't call me that.>_>
Ceth: Hmm...
*djent djent*
Dae: ???
Ceth: *starts playing the guitar*
Dae: ಠ_ಠ
*awful guitar-playing continues*
Dae: DX
*really awful gui--
Ceth: Now why'd you go and do that?O_o
Dae: Shisshies donch puwaay gitaaws. (Sissies don't play guitars.)
Ceth: Aw. But, Dae, music is universal~.^^
Dae: Yew shuud be baaan fuwom puwaaying et. (You should be banned from playing it.)
Ceth: Hey, that's harsh. I--
Josh: Ceth? What's with all the noise?
Ceth: Oops! Sorry, niisan.^_^;
Ceth: Say...
Ceth: You're really good with the guitar. Won't you play us something?
Josh: If I do, will you stop fighting? And stop calling me that?
Ceth: *
giggles* Maybe~.
Josh: *starts playing*
Arupt!ending is abrupt.xD; I swear the next one will actually have pre-prod work, and all pictures will be in landscape, lol. One learns through experience, right?