sncross_bigbang - covered in skin - art masterpost

Jun 06, 2011 01:46

Challenge: sncross_bigbang.
Story: Covered In Skin
Fandoms: Supernatural/Bandom
Author: creepylicious
My ramblings: The author I ended up with is soooooo amazing. She gave me creative freedom and new music and a unique story to work with, and was generally just awesome throughout the whole thing. So stand still while I pile all the appreciation on you, creepylicious. Thanks for the inspiration and making this an all-around fun experience. :D Also, THE MUSIC. The music cannot be forgotten. I'm sorry I couldn't give you all the art forever, because you deserve it. ♥

And props to the sncross_bigbang mod for running this whole thing. It's a lot of hard work and insanity, I imagine.

Click the clickables for full size.


download the soundtrack


also available w/o text

Resources can be found here.

crossover: supernatural/bandom, challenge: sncross_bigbang, fandom: supernatural, type: wallpapers, category: art, type: icons, type: banners

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