Desperate Student

Jun 17, 2009 00:08

- American Literature: FAIL. I know, I must not say anything until knowing the mark for sure but believe me, it is VERY IMprobable that I can pass this exam :'( The exam had two parts: the first one was horrible; the second part, I can pass it, but the first one no, and I have to pass the two parts to pass the whole exam so... I'll study in August ( Read more... )

university: exam, desperate housewives, desperate: lynette scavo, desperate: gabrielle solis, university, desperate: susan mayer, literature, desperate: bree van de kamp, desperate: mike delfino, desperate: susan/mike, dolly the drama!queen, desperate: eddie britt

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Comments 4

maddisonislove June 16 2009, 23:35:36 UTC
I love susan♥ for some reason she reminds me a little of Addison, though I can't seem to figure out why.. maybe because they're both flawed, yet still amazing (: i also like gabrielle & then bree (:


doll_haze June 18 2009, 10:49:45 UTC
Susan is such a good person that is imposible not to love her (I've seen only five episodes XD but she stole my heart since the first scene) ^^


love_kate_walsh June 17 2009, 22:52:24 UTC
Aw no :( Sucks about American Literature *hugs*

Oh, your Italian teacher is just like my Math teacher. It used to take him at least 6 weeks until he got our exams back to us. It was annoying.

I ship Susan/Mike as well. They are so cute <3


doll_haze June 18 2009, 10:57:19 UTC
I know... *hugs back*

In theory my dear teacher has to give me my mark today; well, it's midday and I have nothing yet ¬_¬

For the moment they are my favorite couple ^^


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