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Comments 13

tomycoffee June 13 2009, 09:54:29 UTC
*screaming* I loved it! Couldnt let my eyes of it even a bit!!!


doll_haze June 13 2009, 22:05:25 UTC
Thank you for reading and comment!!


mrswilson4 June 13 2009, 12:16:34 UTC
Oh my goodness babeh. That was hot! We want MOAR! Marek FTW! :P!


doll_haze June 13 2009, 22:07:53 UTC
I thought you have read it in spanish but apparently I was wrong XD
Aw my Marek Fan... XD



citron_presse June 13 2009, 19:15:51 UTC
Thank you! That's a passionate kiss. &hearts &hearts I love the argument and I love the image of them kissing in the elevator.

(Re: ratings - here's something from ga_fanfic: http://community.livejournal.com/ga_fanfic/1376533.html )


doll_haze June 13 2009, 22:10:43 UTC
People think they would not like a Marek kiss, I think it's a great image! XD

Thanks for the rating information, btw ;)


caer June 13 2009, 20:58:32 UTC
I lol'd at the elevator doors opening and George and Bailey standing there. I could picture that perfectly, haha! Thanks for translating =D That appeased my Mark/Derek craving for a little while ;)


doll_haze June 13 2009, 22:17:20 UTC
Glad you like it XD
Im thinking about more marek funny situations to write after my exams ;)


lakela June 14 2009, 00:49:54 UTC
Mmmm... Marek! I like it! Es la primera vez que leo Mark/ Derek y, por lo menos en tus manos, tienen buena química! Oso ondo! ;)

Y me ha hecho gracia tu perfil. Compartimos muchos ships (no sé si he puesto a Courteney y Friends en el mío, pero fueron mi primer amor!) y House (Lisa E) y Meryl y Johnny... en general, tienes buen gusto! ;)


doll_haze June 15 2009, 21:22:48 UTC
"Oso ondo"? Compañera euskaldun? XD
Me alegro de que te gustara el fic ;)

Si compartimos gustos te agrego a amigos ;)

Un besO*

p.s. OMG tu icon!! Por qué yo no he visto esa foto nunca?! XD


lakela June 16 2009, 08:03:02 UTC
En realidad no, catalana! Pero euskaldunofílica! (será eso una palabra? hehe)

Y el icon, por desgracia, es un montaje, por eso no lo has visto nunca! Pero es así como me los imagino yo =)

Encantada de ser tu "amiga"!


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